from __future__ import division
from builtins import next
import numpy as np
from climlab.process.diagnostic import DiagnosticProcess
from climlab.utils.legendre import P2
from climlab.domain.field import Field, global_mean
class ConstantAlbedo(DiagnosticProcess):
"""A class for constant albedo values at all spatial points of the domain.
**Initialization parameters** \n
:param float albedo: albedo values [default: 0.33]
**Object attributes** \n
Additional to the parent class
following object attributes are generated and updated during initialization:
:ivar Field albedo: attribute to store the albedo value.
During initialization the
:func:`albedo` setter is called.
Creation of a constant albedo subprocess on basis of an EBM domain::
>>> import climlab
>>> from climlab.surface.albedo import ConstantAlbedo
>>> # model creation
>>> model = climlab.EBM()
>>> sfc =['Ts']
>>> # subprocess creation
>>> const_alb = ConstantAlbedo(albedo=0.3, domains=sfc, **model.param)
def __init__(self, albedo=0.33, **kwargs):
'''Uniform prescribed albedo.'''
super(ConstantAlbedo, self).__init__(**kwargs)
dom = next(iter(
self.add_diagnostic('albedo', Field(albedo, domain=dom))
#self.albedo = albedo
# @property
# def albedo(self):
# """Property of albedo value.
# :getter: Returns the albedo value which is stored in diagnostic dict
# ``self.diagnostic['albedo']``
# :setter: * sets albedo which is addressed as ``diagnostics['albedo']``
# to the new value through creating a Field on the basis
# of domain ``self.domain['default']``
# * updates the parameter dictionary ``self.param['albedo']``
# :type: Field
# """
# return self.diagnostics['albedo']
# @albedo.setter
# def albedo(self, value):
# #dom =['default']
# # this is a more robust way to get the single value from dictionary:
# dom =
# self.diagnostics['albedo'] = Field(value, domain=dom)
# self.param['albedo'] = value
class P2Albedo(DiagnosticProcess):
"""A class for parabolic distributed albedo values across the domain
on basis of the second order Legendre Polynomial.
Calculates the latitude dependent albedo values as
.. math::
\\alpha(\\varphi) = a_0 + a_2 P_2(x)
where :math:`P_2(x) = \\frac{1}{2} (3x^2 - 1)` is the second order Legendre Polynomial
and :math:`x=sin(\\varphi)`.
**Initialization parameters** \n
:param float a0: basic parameter for albedo function [default: 0.33]
:param float a2: factor for second legendre polynominal term in albedo
function [default: 0.25]
**Object attributes** \n
Additional to the parent class
following object attributes are generated and updated during initialization:
:ivar float a0: attribute to store the albedo parameter a0.
During initialization the
:func:`a0` setter is called.
:ivar float a2: attribute to store the albedo parameter a2.
During initialization the
:func:`a2` setter is called.
:ivar dict diagnostics: key ``'albedo'`` initialized
:ivar Field albedo: the subprocess attribute ``self.albedo`` is
created with correct dimensions
(according to ````)
Creation of a parabolic albedo subprocess on basis of an EBM domain::
>>> import climlab
>>> from climlab.surface.albedo import P2Albedo
>>> # model creation
>>> model = climlab.EBM()
>>> # modify a0 and a2 values in model parameter dictionary
>>> model.param['a0']=0.35
>>> model.param['a2']= 0.10
>>> # subprocess creation
>>> p2_alb = P2Albedo(['Ts'], **model.param)
>>> p2_alb.a0
>>> p2_alb.a2
def __init__(self, a0=0.33, a2=0.25, **kwargs):
super(P2Albedo, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.a0 = a0
self.a2 = a2
def a0(self):
"""Property of albedo parameter a0.
:getter: Returns the albedo parameter value which is stored in attribute
:setter: * sets albedo parameter which is addressed as ``self._a0``
to the new value
* updates the parameter dictionary ``self.param['a0']``
* calls method :func:`_compute_fixed`
:type: float
return self._a0
def a0(self, value):
self._a0 = value
self.param['a0'] = value
def a2(self):
"""Property of albedo parameter a2.
:getter: Returns the albedo parameter value which is stored in attribute
:setter: * sets albedo parameter which is addressed as ``self._a2``
to the new value
* updates the parameter dictionary ``self.param['a2']``
* calls method :func:`_compute_fixed`
:type: float
return self._a2
def a2(self, value):
self._a2 = value
self.param['a2'] = value
def _compute_fixed(self):
'''Recompute any fixed quantities after a change in parameters'''
lon, lat = np.meshgrid(self.lon,
lat =
phi = np.deg2rad(lat)
albedo = self.a0 + self.a2 * P2(np.sin(phi))
albedo = np.zeros_like(phi)
# make sure that the diagnostic has the correct field dimensions.
#dom =['default']
# this is a more robust way to get the single value from dictionary:
dom = next(iter(
self.albedo = Field(albedo, domain=dom)
class Iceline(DiagnosticProcess):
"""A class for an Iceline subprocess.
Depending on a freezing temperature it calculates where on the domain the
surface is covered with ice, where there is no ice and on which latitude the ice-edge
is placed.
**Initialization parameters** \n
:param float Tf: freezing temperature where sea water freezes and
surface is covered with ice \n
- unit: :math:`^{\circ} \\textrm{C}` \n
- default value: ``-10``
**Object attributes** \n
Additional to the parent class
following object attributes are generated and updated during initialization:
:ivar dict param: The parameter dictionary is updated with the
input argument ``'Tf'``.
:ivar dict diagnostics: keys ``'icelat'`` and ``'ice_area'`` initialized
:ivar array icelat: the subprocess attribute ``self.icelat`` is
:ivar float ice_area: the subprocess attribute ``self.ice_area`` is
def __init__(self, Tf=-10., **kwargs):
super(Iceline, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.param['Tf'] = Tf
# Set diagnostics based on initial conditions
def find_icelines(self):
"""Finds iceline according to the surface temperature.
This method is called by the private function
and updates following attributes according to the freezing temperature
``self.param['Tf']`` and the surface temperature ``self.param['Ts']``:
**Object attributes** \n
:ivar Field noice: a Field of booleans which are ``True`` where
:math:`T_s \\ge T_f`
:ivar Field ice: a Field of booleans which are ``True`` where
:math:`T_s < T_f`
:ivar array icelat: an array with two elements indicating the
ice-edge latitudes
:ivar float ice_area: fractional area covered by ice (0 - 1)
:ivar dict diagnostics: keys ``'icelat'`` and ``'ice_area'`` are updated
Tf = self.param['Tf']
Ts = self.state['Ts']
lat_bounds =['Ts'].axes['lat'].bounds
self.noice = np.where(Ts >= Tf, True, False) = np.where(Ts < Tf, True, False)
# Ice cover in fractional area
self.ice_area = global_mean( * np.ones_like(self.Ts))
# Express ice cover in terms of ice edge latitudes
# 100% ice cover
self.icelat = np.array([-0., 0.])
elif self.noice.all():
# zero ice cover
self.icelat = np.array([-90., 90.])
else: # there is some ice edge
# Taking np.diff of a boolean array gives True at the boundaries between True and False
boundary_indices = np.where(np.diff([0]+1
# check for asymmetry case: [-90,x] or [x,90]
# -> boundary_indices hold only one value for icelat
if boundary_indices.size == 1:
if[0] == True: # case: [x,90]
# extend indice array by missing value for northpole
boundary_indices = np.append(boundary_indices,
elif[-1] == True: # case: [-90,x]
# extend indice array by missing value for northpole
boundary_indices = np.insert(boundary_indices,0 ,0)
# check for asymmetry case: [-90,x] or [x,90]
# -> boundary_indices hold only one value for icelat
if boundary_indices.size == 1:
if[0] == True: # case: [x,90]
# extend indice array by missing value for northpole
boundary_indices = np.append(boundary_indices,
elif[-1] == True: # case: [-90,x]
# extend indice array by missing value for northpole
boundary_indices = np.insert(boundary_indices,0 ,0)
self.icelat = lat_bounds[boundary_indices] # an array of boundary latitudes
def _compute(self):
return {}
class StepFunctionAlbedo(DiagnosticProcess):
"""A step function albedo suprocess.
This class itself defines three subprocesses that are created during
* ``'iceline'`` - :class:`Iceline`
* ``'warm_albedo'`` - :class:`P2Albedo`
* ``'cold_albedo'`` - :class:`ConstantAlbedo`
**Initialization parameters** \n
:param float Tf: freezing temperature for Iceline subprocess \n
- unit: :math:`^{\circ} \\textrm{C}` \n
- default value: ``-10``
:param float a0: basic parameter for P2Albedo subprocess [default: 0.3]
:param float a2: factor for second legendre polynominal term in P2Albedo
subprocess [default: 0.078]
:param float ai: ice albedo value for ConstantAlbedo subprocess
[default: 0.62]
Additional to the parent class
following object attributes are generated/updated during initialization:
:ivar dict param: The parameter dictionary is updated with
a couple of the initatilzation input
arguments, namely ``'Tf'``, ``'a0'``,
``'a2'`` and ``'ai'``.
:ivar bool topdown: is set to ``False`` to call subprocess
compute method first
:ivar dict diagnostics: key ``'albedo'`` initialized
:ivar Field albedo: the subprocess attribute ``self.albedo`` is
Creation of a step albedo subprocess on basis of an EBM domain::
>>> import climlab
>>> from climlab.surface.albedo import StepFunctionAlbedo
>>> model = climlab.EBM(a0=0.29, a2=0.1, ai=0.65, Tf=-2)
>>> step_alb = StepFunctionAlbedo(state= model.state, **model.param)
>>> print step_alb
climlab Process of type <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.StepFunctionAlbedo'>.
State variables and domain shapes:
Ts: (90, 1)
The subprocess tree:
top: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.StepFunctionAlbedo'>
iceline: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.Iceline'>
cold_albedo: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.ConstantAlbedo'>
warm_albedo: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.P2Albedo'>
def __init__(self, Tf=-10., a0=0.3, a2=0.078, ai=0.62, **kwargs):
super(StepFunctionAlbedo, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.param['Tf'] = Tf
self.param['a0'] = a0
self.param['a2'] = a2
self.param['ai'] = ai
sfc =['Ts']
self.add_subprocess('iceline', Iceline(Tf=Tf, state=self.state, timestep=self.timestep))
warm = P2Albedo(a0=a0, a2=a2, domains=sfc, timestep=self.timestep)
cold = ConstantAlbedo(albedo=ai, domains=sfc, timestep=self.timestep)
# remove `albedo` from the diagnostics list for the two subprocesses
# because they cause conflicts when passed up the subprocess tree
for proc in [warm, cold]:
self.add_subprocess('warm_albedo', warm)
self.add_subprocess('cold_albedo', cold)
self.topdown = False # call subprocess compute methods first
self.add_diagnostic('albedo', self._get_current_albedo())
def _get_current_albedo(self):
'''Simple step-function albedo based on ice line at temperature Tf.'''
ice = self.subprocess['iceline'].ice
# noice = self.subprocess['iceline'].diagnostics['noice']
cold_albedo = self.subprocess['cold_albedo'].albedo
warm_albedo = self.subprocess['warm_albedo'].albedo
albedo = Field(np.where(ice, cold_albedo, warm_albedo),['Ts'])
return albedo
def _compute(self):
self.albedo[:] = self._get_current_albedo()
return {}