Integration with xarray
xarray is a powerful Python package for geospatial data analysis.
It provides DataArray
and Dataset
structures for self-describing gridded data.
For the convenience of xarray users, climlab provides tools for automatic translation
of the native Field
object to xarray format.
Additionally, as of climlab v0.7.1, the insolation and orbital functions have been updated with an xarray-compatible interface:
returns anxarray.Dataset
object with orbital
accepts input in labeledxarray.DataArray
format and return the same.
- Example 1:
Create a single column radiation model and view air temperature as
:>>> import climlab >>> state = climlab.column_state(num_lev=20) >>> model = climlab.radiation.RRTMG(state=state) >>> # display a single variable as xarray.DataArray >>> model.Tatm.to_xarray() <xarray.DataArray (lev: 20)> array([ 200. , 204.105263, 208.210526, 212.315789, 216.421053, 220.526316, 224.631579, 228.736842, 232.842105, 236.947368, 241.052632, 245.157895, 249.263158, 253.368421, 257.473684, 261.578947, 265.684211, 269.789474, 273.894737, 278. ]) Coordinates: * lev (lev) float64 25.0 75.0 125.0 175.0 225.0 275.0 325.0 375.0 ...
- Example 2:
Display the entire model state dictionary as
:>>> model.to_xarray() <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (depth: 1, depth_bounds: 2, lev: 20, lev_bounds: 21) Coordinates: * depth (depth) float64 0.5 * depth_bounds (depth_bounds) float64 0.0 1.0 * lev (lev) float64 25.0 75.0 125.0 175.0 225.0 275.0 325.0 ... * lev_bounds (lev_bounds) float64 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 ... Data variables: Ts (depth) float64 288.0 Tatm (lev) float64 200.0 204.1 208.2 212.3 216.4 220.5 224.6 ...
- Example 3:
Combine model state and diagnostics into a single
:>>> # take a single timestep to populate the diagnostic variables >>> model.step_forward() >>> # Now look at the full output in xarray format >>> model.to_xarray(diagnostics=True) <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (depth: 1, depth_bounds: 2, lev: 20, lev_bounds: 21) Coordinates: * depth (depth) float64 0.5 * depth_bounds (depth_bounds) float64 0.0 1.0 * lev (lev) float64 25.0 75.0 125.0 175.0 225.0 275.0 325.0 ... * lev_bounds (lev_bounds) float64 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 ... Data variables: Ts (depth) float64 288.7 Tatm (lev) float64 201.3 204.0 208.0 212.0 216.1 220.2 ... ASR (depth) float64 240.0 ASRcld (depth) float64 0.0 ASRclr (depth) float64 240.0 LW_flux_down (lev_bounds) float64 0.0 12.63 19.47 26.07 32.92 40.1 ... LW_flux_down_clr (lev_bounds) float64 0.0 12.63 19.47 26.07 32.92 40.1 ... LW_flux_net (lev_bounds) float64 240.1 231.2 227.6 224.1 220.5 ... LW_flux_net_clr (lev_bounds) float64 240.1 231.2 227.6 224.1 220.5 ... LW_flux_up (lev_bounds) float64 240.1 243.9 247.1 250.2 253.4 ... LW_flux_up_clr (lev_bounds) float64 240.1 243.9 247.1 250.2 253.4 ... LW_sfc (depth) float64 128.9 LW_sfc_clr (depth) float64 128.9 OLR (depth) float64 240.1 OLRcld (depth) float64 0.0 OLRclr (depth) float64 240.1 SW_flux_down (lev_bounds) float64 341.3 323.1 318.0 313.5 309.5 ... SW_flux_down_clr (lev_bounds) float64 341.3 323.1 318.0 313.5 309.5 ... SW_flux_net (lev_bounds) float64 240.0 223.3 220.2 217.9 215.9 ... SW_flux_net_clr (lev_bounds) float64 240.0 223.3 220.2 217.9 215.9 ... SW_flux_up (lev_bounds) float64 101.3 99.88 97.77 95.64 93.57 ... SW_flux_up_clr (lev_bounds) float64 101.3 99.88 97.77 95.64 93.57 ... SW_sfc (depth) float64 163.8 SW_sfc_clr (depth) float64 163.8 TdotLW (lev) float64 -1.502 -0.6148 -0.5813 -0.6173 -0.6426 ... TdotLW_clr (lev) float64 -1.502 -0.6148 -0.5813 -0.6173 -0.6426 ... TdotSW (lev) float64 2.821 0.5123 0.3936 0.3368 0.3174 0.3299 ... TdotSW_clr (lev) float64 2.821 0.5123 0.3936 0.3368 0.3174 0.3299 ...
- Example 4:
Use the
method to convert thetimeave
dictionary toxarray.Dataset
:>>> # integrate forward one year and automatically store time averages >>> model.integrate_years(1) Integrating for 365 steps, 365.2422 days, or 1 years. Total elapsed time is 0.9993368783782377 years. >>> # Now look at model.timeave dictionary in xarray format >>> climlab.to_xarray(model.timeave) <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (depth: 1, depth_bounds: 2, lev: 20, lev_bounds: 21) Coordinates: * depth (depth) float64 0.5 * depth_bounds (depth_bounds) float64 0.0 1.0 * lev (lev) float64 25.0 75.0 125.0 175.0 225.0 275.0 325.0 ... * lev_bounds (lev_bounds) float64 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 ... Data variables: Ts (depth) float64 296.9 Tatm (lev) float64 217.1 203.1 200.8 200.4 201.7 204.2 ... ASR (depth) float64 240.1 ASRcld (depth) float64 0.0 ASRclr (depth) float64 240.1 LW_flux_down (lev_bounds) float64 0.0 16.55 20.24 24.12 28.15 32.57 ... LW_flux_down_clr (lev_bounds) float64 0.0 16.55 20.24 24.12 28.15 32.57 ... LW_flux_net (lev_bounds) float64 243.0 226.5 223.4 221.0 218.8 ... LW_flux_net_clr (lev_bounds) float64 243.0 226.5 223.4 221.0 218.8 ... LW_flux_up (lev_bounds) float64 243.0 243.0 243.7 245.1 246.9 ... LW_flux_up_clr (lev_bounds) float64 243.0 243.0 243.7 245.1 246.9 ... LW_sfc (depth) float64 162.5 LW_sfc_clr (depth) float64 162.5 OLR (depth) float64 243.0 OLRcld (depth) float64 0.0 OLRclr (depth) float64 243.0 SW_flux_down (lev_bounds) float64 341.3 323.1 317.9 313.5 309.5 ... SW_flux_down_clr (lev_bounds) float64 341.3 323.1 317.9 313.5 309.5 ... SW_flux_net (lev_bounds) float64 240.1 223.3 220.3 217.9 216.0 ... SW_flux_net_clr (lev_bounds) float64 240.1 223.3 220.3 217.9 216.0 ... SW_flux_up (lev_bounds) float64 101.2 99.81 97.69 95.56 93.5 ... SW_flux_up_clr (lev_bounds) float64 101.2 99.81 97.69 95.56 93.5 ... SW_sfc (depth) float64 163.7 SW_sfc_clr (depth) float64 163.7 TdotLW (lev) float64 -2.789 -0.5133 -0.4154 -0.3732 -0.3626 ... TdotLW_clr (lev) float64 -2.789 -0.5133 -0.4154 -0.3732 -0.3626 ... TdotSW (lev) float64 2.836 0.5078 0.3898 0.3332 0.3138 0.3267 ... TdotSW_clr (lev) float64 2.836 0.5078 0.3898 0.3332 0.3138 0.3267 ...