Quickstart Guide¶
By far the simplest and recommended way to install climlab
is using conda
(which is the wonderful package manager that comes with Anaconda Python).
You can install climlab
and all its dependencies with:
conda install -c conda-forge climlab
Or (recommended) add conda-forge
to your conda channels with:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
and then simply do:
conda install climlab
Binaries are available for OSX, Linux, and Windows.
Single-column Radiative-Convective model¶
Here is a quick example of setting up a single-column Radiative-Convective model with fixed relative humidity, using the RRTMG radiation scheme:
import climlab
alb = 0.25
# State variables (Air and surface temperature)
state = climlab.column_state(num_lev=30)
# Parent model process
rcm = climlab.TimeDependentProcess(state=state)
# Fixed relative humidity
h2o = climlab.radiation.ManabeWaterVapor(state=state)
# Couple water vapor to radiation
rad = climlab.radiation.RRTMG(state=state, specific_humidity=h2o.q, albedo=alb)
# Convective adjustment
conv = climlab.convection.ConvectiveAdjustment(state=state, adj_lapse_rate=6.5)
# Couple everything together
rcm.add_subprocess('Radiation', rad)
rcm.add_subprocess('WaterVapor', h2o)
rcm.add_subprocess('Convection', conv)
# Run the model
# Check for energy balance
print rcm.ASR - rcm.OLR