'''``_Radiation``, ``_Radiation_SW`` and ``_Radiation_LW``
are the base classes for radiative transfer modules
Currently this includes :class:`~climlab.radiation.cam3.CAM3`,
:class:`~climlab.radiation.rrtm.RRTMG_LW`, and
Basic characteristics:
- ``Ts`` (surface radiative temperature)
- ``Tatm`` (air temperature)
Input arguments (both LW and SW):
- ``specific_humidity`` (kg/kg)
- ``absorber_vmr = None`` (dictionary of volumetric mixing ratios. Default values supplied if ``None``)
- ``cldfrac`` (layer cloud fraction
- ``clwp`` (in-cloud liquid water path (g/m2))
- ``ciwp = 0.``, # in-cloud ice water path (g/m2)
- ``r_liq = 0.``, # Cloud water drop effective radius (microns)
- ``r_ice = 0.``, # Cloud ice particle effective size (microns)
- ``ozone_file = 'apeozone_cam3_5_54.nc'`` (file with ozone distribution - ignored if ``absorber_vmr`` is given)
If ``absorber_vmr = None`` then ozone will be interpolated to the model grid
from a climatology file, or set to zero if ``ozone_file = None``.
Additional input arguments for SW:
- ``albedo = None`` (optional, single parameter to set all 4 albedo values)
- ``aldif = 0.3``, (near-infrared albedo, diffuse)
- ``aldir = 0.3``, (near-infrared albedo, direct)
- ``asdif = 0.3``, (shortwave albedo, diffuse)
- ``asdir = 0.3``, (shortwave albedo, direct)
- ``S0 = const.S0``, (solar constant, W/m2)
- ``insolation = const.S0/4.``, (time-mean insolaltion, W/m2)
- ``coszen = None``, # cosine of the solar zenith angle
- ``eccentricity_factor = 1.``, # instantaneous irradiance = S0 * eccentricity_factor
Additional input arguments for LW:
- ``emissivity = 1.``, # surface emissivity
- ``return_spectral_olr = False``, # Whether or not to return spectrally-decomposed Outgoing Longwave Radiation (implemented for RRTMG only)
Shortave processes compute these diagnostics (minimum):
- ``ASR`` (W/m2, net Absorbed Shortwave Radiation at TOA, **positive down**)
- ``ASRclr`` (clear-sky component)
- ``ASRcld`` (cloud component, all-sky minus clear-sky)
- ``SW_flux_up`` (W/m2, defined at pressure level interfaces)
- ``SW_flux_down`` (W/m2, defined at pressure level interfaces)
- ``SW_flux_net`` (W/m2 **downward** net flux at pressure level interfaces)
- ``SW_flux_up_clr`` (clear-sky flux)
- ``SW_flux_down_clr`` (clear-sky flux)
- ``SW_flux_net_clr`` (clear-sky flux)
- ``TdotSW`` (K/day, radiative heating rate)
- ``TdotSW_clr`` (clear-sky heating rate)
Longwave processes compute these diagnostics (minimum):
- ``OLR`` (W/m2, net Outgoing Longwave radiation at TOA, **positive up**)
- ``OLRclr`` (clear-sky component)
- ``OLRcld`` (cloud component, all-sky minus clear-sky)
- ``LW_flux_up`` (W/m2, defined at pressure level interfaces)
- ``LW_flux_down`` (W/m2, defined at pressure level interfaces)
- ``LW_flux_net`` (W/m2 **upward** net flux at pressure level interfaces)
- ``LW_flux_up_clr`` (clear-sky flux)
- ``LW_flux_down_clr`` (clear-sky flux)
- ``LW_flux_net_clr`` (clear-sky flux)
- ``TdotLW`` (K/day, radiative heating rate)
- ``TdotLW_clr`` (clear-sky heating rate)
If ``return_spectral_olr = True`` (RRTMG only), an additional diagnostic is produced:
- ``OLR_spectral`` (W/m2, Outgoing Longwave Radiation at TOA in spectral bands, **positive up**)
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from climlab.process import EnergyBudget
from climlab.radiation import ManabeWaterVapor
from climlab import constants as const
from climlab.domain.field import Field
import os, warnings, pooch
import xarray as xr
from climlab.utils import _datapath_http
def default_specific_humidity(Tatm):
'''Initialize a specific humidity distribution
based on a prescribed relative humidity profile.
Input is air temperature array
Output is specific humidity on same grid
h2o = ManabeWaterVapor(state={'Tatm': Tatm})
return h2o.q
def default_absorbers(Tatm,
ozone_file = 'apeozone_cam3_5_54.nc',
verbose = True,):
'''Initialize a dictionary of well-mixed radiatively active gases
All values are volumetric mixing ratios.
Ozone is set to a climatology.
All other gases are assumed well-mixed:
- CO2
- CH4
- N2O
- O2
- CFC11
- CFC12
- CFC22
- CCL4
Specific values are based on the AquaPlanet Experiment protocols,
except for O2 which is set the realistic value 0.21
(affects the RRTMG scheme).
absorber_vmr = {}
absorber_vmr['CO2'] = 348. / 1E6
absorber_vmr['CH4'] = 1650. / 1E9
absorber_vmr['N2O'] = 306. / 1E9
absorber_vmr['O2'] = 0.21
absorber_vmr['CFC11'] = 0.
absorber_vmr['CFC12'] = 0.
absorber_vmr['CFC22'] = 0.
absorber_vmr['CCL4'] = 0.
# Ozone: start with all zeros, interpolate to data if we can
xTatm = Tatm.to_xarray()
O3 = 0. * xTatm
if ozone_file is not None:
ozonepath_http = _datapath_http + 'ozone/' + ozone_file
ozonefilehandle = pooch.retrieve(url=ozonepath_http,
ozonedata = xr.open_dataset(ozonefilehandle)
## zonal and time average
ozone_zon = ozonedata.OZONE.mean(dim=('time','lon')).transpose('lat','lev')
if ('lat' in xTatm.dims):
O3source = ozone_zon
weight = np.cos(np.deg2rad(ozonedata.lat))
ozone_global = (ozone_zon * weight).mean(dim='lat') / weight.mean(dim='lat')
O3source = ozone_global
O3 = O3source.interp_like(xTatm)
# There will be NaNs for gridpoints outside the ozone file domain
assert not np.any(np.isnan(O3))
warnings.warn('Some grid points are beyond the bounds of the ozone file. Ozone values will be extrapolated.')
# passing fill_value='extrapolate' to the underlying scipy interpolator
# will result in extrapolation instead of NaNs
O3 = O3source.interp_like(xTatm, kwargs={'fill_value':'extrapolate'})
assert not np.any(np.isnan(O3))
warnings.warn('Interpolation of ozone data failed. Setting O3 to zero instead.')
O3 = 0. * xTatm
absorber_vmr['O3'] = O3.values
return absorber_vmr
def init_interface(field):
'''Return a Field object defined at the vertical interfaces of the input Field object.'''
interface_shape = np.array(field.shape); interface_shape[-1] += 1
interfaces = np.tile(False,len(interface_shape)); interfaces[-1] = True
interface_zero = Field(np.zeros(interface_shape), domain=field.domain, interfaces=interfaces)
return interface_zero
class _Radiation(EnergyBudget):
'''Abstact base class for SW and LW radiation processes.
def __init__(self,
specific_humidity = None,
# Absorbing gases, volume mixing ratios
absorber_vmr = None,
cldfrac = 0., # layer cloud fraction
clwp = 0., # in-cloud liquid water path (g/m2)
ciwp = 0., # in-cloud ice water path (g/m2)
r_liq = 0., # Cloud water drop effective radius (microns)
r_ice = 0., # Cloud ice particle effective size (microns)
ozone_file = 'apeozone_cam3_5_54.nc',
super(_Radiation, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# Define inputs
if specific_humidity is None:
specific_humidity = default_specific_humidity(self.Tatm)
self.add_input('specific_humidity', specific_humidity)
if absorber_vmr is None:
absorber_vmr = default_absorbers(self.Tatm, ozone_file, self.verbose)
self.add_input('absorber_vmr', absorber_vmr)
self.add_input('cldfrac', cldfrac)
self.add_input('clwp', clwp)
self.add_input('ciwp', ciwp)
self.add_input('r_liq', r_liq)
self.add_input('r_ice', r_ice)
class _Radiation_SW(_Radiation):
'''Parent class for SW radiation modules
def __init__(self,
albedo = None,
aldif = 0.3,
aldir = 0.3,
asdif = 0.3,
asdir = 0.3,
S0 = const.S0,
insolation = const.S0/4.,
coszen = None, # cosine of the solar zenith angle
eccentricity_factor = 1., # instantaneous irradiance = S0 * eccentricity_factor
super(_Radiation_SW, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# coszen is cosine of solar zenith angle
# If unspecified, infer it from the insolation
# (assuming a circular orbit and standard solar constant)
if coszen is None:
coszen = insolation / S0
self.add_input('S0', S0)
self.add_input('insolation', insolation)
self.add_input('coszen', coszen)
self.add_input('eccentricity_factor', eccentricity_factor)
if albedo is not None:
aldif = albedo
aldir = albedo
asdif = albedo
asdir = albedo
self.add_input('aldif', aldif)
self.add_input('aldir', aldir)
self.add_input('asdif', asdif)
self.add_input('asdir', asdir)
# initialize diagnostics
self.add_diagnostic('ASR', 0. * self.Ts)
self.add_diagnostic('ASRclr', 0. * self.Ts)
self.add_diagnostic('ASRcld', 0. * self.Ts)
self.add_diagnostic('TdotSW', 0. * self.Tatm)
self.add_diagnostic('TdotSW_clr', 0.*self.Tatm)
self.add_diagnostic('SW_sfc', 0.*self.Ts)
self.add_diagnostic('SW_sfc_clr', 0.*self.Ts)
# Flux diagnostics at layer interfaces
# These need an extra vertical level
interface_zero = init_interface(self.Tatm)
self.add_diagnostic('SW_flux_up', 0. * interface_zero)
self.add_diagnostic('SW_flux_down', 0. * interface_zero)
self.add_diagnostic('SW_flux_net', 0. * interface_zero)
self.add_diagnostic('SW_flux_up_clr', 0. * interface_zero)
self.add_diagnostic('SW_flux_down_clr', 0. * interface_zero)
self.add_diagnostic('SW_flux_net_clr', 0. * interface_zero)
def _compute_SW_flux_diagnostics(self):
# positive down, consistent with ASR
self.SW_flux_net = self.SW_flux_down - self.SW_flux_up
self.SW_flux_net_clr = self.SW_flux_down_clr - self.SW_flux_up_clr
# TOA diagnostics
self.ASR = np.array(self.SW_flux_net[..., 0, np.newaxis]) + 0.*self.Ts
self.ASRclr = np.array(self.SW_flux_net_clr[..., 0, np.newaxis]) + 0.*self.Ts
self.ASRcld = self.ASR - self.ASRclr
# Surface diagnostics
self.SW_sfc = np.array(self.SW_flux_net[..., -1, np.newaxis]) + 0.*self.Ts
self.SW_sfc_clr = np.array(self.SW_flux_net_clr[..., -1, np.newaxis]) + 0.*self.Ts
class _Radiation_LW(_Radiation):
def __init__(self,
emissivity = 1., # surface emissivity
super(_Radiation_LW, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.add_input('emissivity', emissivity)
# initialize diagnostics
self.add_diagnostic('OLR', 0. * self.Ts)
self.add_diagnostic('OLRclr', 0. * self.Ts)
self.add_diagnostic('OLRcld', 0. * self.Ts)
self.add_diagnostic('TdotLW', 0. * self.Tatm)
self.add_diagnostic('TdotLW_clr', 0.*self.Tatm)
self.add_diagnostic('LW_sfc', 0.*self.Ts)
self.add_diagnostic('LW_sfc_clr', 0.*self.Ts)
# Flux diagnostics at layer interfaces
# These need an extra vertical level
interface_zero = init_interface(self.Tatm)
self.add_diagnostic('LW_flux_up', 0. * interface_zero)
self.add_diagnostic('LW_flux_down', 0. * interface_zero)
self.add_diagnostic('LW_flux_net', 0. * interface_zero)
self.add_diagnostic('LW_flux_up_clr', 0. * interface_zero)
self.add_diagnostic('LW_flux_down_clr', 0. * interface_zero)
self.add_diagnostic('LW_flux_net_clr', 0. * interface_zero)
def _compute_LW_flux_diagnostics(self):
# LW net flux defined positive UP, consistent with OLR
self.LW_flux_net = self.LW_flux_up - self.LW_flux_down
self.LW_flux_net_clr = self.LW_flux_up_clr - self.LW_flux_down_clr
# TOA diagnostics
self.OLR = np.array(self.LW_flux_net[..., 0, np.newaxis]) + 0.*self.Ts
self.OLRclr = np.array(self.LW_flux_net_clr[..., 0, np.newaxis]) + 0.*self.Ts
self.OLRcld = self.OLR - self.OLRclr
# Surface diagnostics
self.LW_sfc = np.array(self.LW_flux_net[..., -1, np.newaxis]) + 0.*self.Ts
self.LW_sfc_clr = np.array(self.LW_flux_net_clr[..., -1, np.newaxis]) + 0.*self.Ts