Source code for climlab.process.process

# Principles of the new `climlab` API design:
#     * `climlab.Process` object has several iterable dictionaries of named,
#       gridded variables:
#         * `process.state`
#             * state variables, usually time-dependent
#         - `process.input`
#             - boundary conditions and other gridded quantities independent of the
#             `process`
#             - often set by a parent `process`
#         - `process.param`  (which are basically just scalar `input`)
#         - `process.tendencies`
#             - iterable `dict` of time-tendencies (d/dt) for each state variable
#         - `process.diagnostics`
#             - any quantity derived from current state
# - The `process` is fully described by contents of `state`, `input` and `param`
# dictionaries. `tendencies` and `diagnostics` are always computable from current
# state.
# - `climlab` will remain (as much as possible) agnostic about the data formats
#     - Variables within the dictionaries will behave as `numpy.ndarray` objects
#     - Grid information and other domain details accessible as attributes
#     of each variable
#         - e.g.
#         - Shortcuts like `` will work where these are unambiguous
# - Many variables will be accessible as process attributes ``
#     - this restricts to unique field names in the above dictionaries
# - There may be other dictionaries that do have name conflicts
#     - e.g. dictionary of tendencies, with same keys as `process.state`
#     - These will *not* be accessible as ``
#     - but *will* be accessible as ``
#     (as well as regular dict interface)
# - There will be a dictionary of named subprocesses `process.subprocess`
# - Each item in subprocess dict will itself be a `climlab.Process` object
# - For convenience with interactive work, each subprocess should be accessible
# as `` as well as `process.subprocess['name']`
# - `process.compute()` is a method that computes tendencies (d/dt)
#     - returns a dictionary of tendencies for all state variables
#     - keys for this dictionary are same as keys of state dictionary
#     - tendency dictionary is the total tendency including all subprocesses
#     - method only computes d/dt, does not apply changes
#     - thus method is relatively independent of numerical scheme
#         - may need to make exception for implicit scheme?
#     - method *will* update variables in `process.diagnostic`
#         - will also *gather all diagnostics* from `subprocesses`
# - `process.step_forward()` updates the state variables
#     - calls `process.compute()` to get current tendencies
#     - implements a particular time-stepping scheme
#     - user interface is agnostic about numerical scheme
# - `process.integrate_years()` etc will automate time-stepping
#     - also computation of time-average diagnostics.
# - Every `subprocess` should work independently of its parent `process` given
# appropriate `input`.
#     - investigating an individual `process` (possibly with its own
#     `subprocesses`) isolated from its parent needs to be as simple as doing:
#         - `newproc = climlab.process_like(procname.subprocess['subprocname'])`
#         - `newproc.compute()`
#         - anything in the `input` dictionary of `subprocname` will remain fixed

from __future__ import division, print_function
from builtins import object
import time, copy
import numpy as np
from climlab.domain.field import Field
from climlab.domain.domain import _Domain, zonal_mean_surface
from climlab.utils import walk
from climlab.utils.attrdict import AttrDict
from climlab.domain.xarray import state_to_xarray

def _make_dict(arg, argtype):
    if arg is None:
        return {}
    elif isinstance(arg, dict):
        return arg
    elif isinstance(arg, argtype):
        return {'default': arg}
        raise ValueError('Problem with input type')

[docs] class Process(object): """A generic parent class for all climlab process objects. Every process object has a set of state variables on a spatial grid. For more general information about `Processes` and their role in climlab, see :ref:`process_architecture` section climlab-architecture. **Initialization parameters** \n An instance of ``Process`` is initialized with the following arguments *(for detailed information see Object attributes below)*: :param Field state: spatial state variable for the process. Set to ``None`` if not specified. :param domains: domain(s) for the process :type domains: :class:`~climlab.domain.domain._Domain` or dict of :class:`~climlab.domain.domain._Domain` :param subprocess: subprocess(es) of the process :type subprocess: :class:`~climlab.process.process.Process` or dict of :class:`~climlab.process.process.Process` :param array lat: latitudinal points (optional) :param lev: altitudinal points (optional) :param int num_lat: number of latitudional points (optional) :param int num_levels: number of altitudinal points (optional) :param dict input: collection of input quantities :param bool verbose: Flag to control text output during instantiation of the Process [default: True] **Object attributes** \n Additional to the parent class :class:`~climlab.process.process.Process` following object attributes are generated during initialization: :ivar dict domains: dictionary of process :class:`~climlab.domain.domain._Domain` :ivar dict state: dictionary of process states (of type :class:`~climlab.domain.field.Field`) :ivar dict param: dictionary of model parameters which are given through ``**kwargs`` :ivar dict diagnostics: a dictionary with all diagnostic variables :ivar dict _input_vars: collection of input quantities like boundary conditions and other gridded quantities :ivar str creation_date: date and time when process was created :ivar subprocess: dictionary of suprocesses of the process :vartype subprocess: dict of :class:`~climlab.process.process.Process` """ def __str__(self): str1 = 'climlab Process of type {0}. \n'.format(type(self)) str1 += 'State variables and domain shapes: \n' for varname in list(self.state.keys()): str1 += ' {0}: {1} \n'.format(varname,[varname].shape) str1 += 'The subprocess tree: \n' str1 += walk.process_tree(self, return str1 def __init__(self, name='Untitled', state=None, domains=None, subprocess=None, lat=None, lev=None, num_lat=None, num_levels=None, input=None, verbose=True, **kwargs): # verbose flag used to control text output at process creation time self.verbose = verbose = name # dictionary of domains. Keys are the domain names = _make_dict(domains, _Domain) # If lat is given, create a simple domains if lat is not None: sfc = zonal_mean_surface(){'default': sfc}) # dictionary of state variables (all of type Field) self.state = AttrDict() states = _make_dict(state, Field) for name, value in states.items(): self.set_state(name, value) # dictionary of model parameters self.param = kwargs # dictionary of diagnostic quantities #self.diagnostics = AttrDict() #self._diag_vars = frozenset() self._diag_vars = [] # dictionary of input quantities #self.input = _make_dict(input, Field) if input is None: #self._input_vars = frozenset() self._input_vars = [] else: self.add_input(list(input.keys())) for name, var in input: self.__dict__[name] = var self.creation_date = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", time.localtime()) # subprocess is a dictionary of any sub-processes self.subprocess = AttrDict() if subprocess is not None: self.add_subprocesses(subprocess) #if subprocess is None: # #self.subprocess = {} # # a dictionary whose items can be accessed as attributes # self.subprocess = AttrDict() #else: # self.add_subprocesses(subprocess)
[docs] def add_subprocesses(self, procdict): """Adds a dictionary of subproceses to this process. Calls :func:`add_subprocess` for every process given in the input-dictionary. It can also pass a single process, which will be given the name *default*. :param procdict: a dictionary with process names as keys :type procdict: dict """ if isinstance(procdict, Process): try: name = except: name = 'default' self.add_subprocess(name, procdict) else: for name, proc in procdict.items(): self.add_subprocess(name, proc)
[docs] def add_subprocess(self, name, proc): """Adds a single subprocess to this process. :param string name: name of the subprocess :param proc: a Process object :type proc: :class:`~climlab.process.process.Process` :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if ``proc`` is not a process :Example: Replacing an albedo subprocess through adding a subprocess with same name:: >>> from climlab.model.ebm import EBM_seasonal >>> from climlab.surface.albedo import StepFunctionAlbedo >>> # creating EBM model >>> ebm_s = EBM_seasonal() >>> print ebm_s .. code-block:: none :emphasize-lines: 8 climlab Process of type <class 'climlab.model.ebm.EBM_seasonal'>. State variables and domain shapes: Ts: (90, 1) The subprocess tree: top: <class 'climlab.model.ebm.EBM_seasonal'> diffusion: <class 'climlab.dynamics.diffusion.MeridionalDiffusion'> LW: <class 'climlab.radiation.AplusBT.AplusBT'> albedo: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.P2Albedo'> insolation: <class 'climlab.radiation.insolation.DailyInsolation'> :: >>> # creating and adding albedo feedback subprocess >>> step_albedo = StepFunctionAlbedo(state=ebm_s.state, **ebm_s.param) >>> ebm_s.add_subprocess('albedo', step_albedo) >>> >>> print ebm_s .. code-block:: none :emphasize-lines: 8 climlab Process of type <class 'climlab.model.ebm.EBM_seasonal'>. State variables and domain shapes: Ts: (90, 1) The subprocess tree: top: <class 'climlab.model.ebm.EBM_seasonal'> diffusion: <class 'climlab.dynamics.diffusion.MeridionalDiffusion'> LW: <class 'climlab.radiation.AplusBT.AplusBT'> albedo: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.StepFunctionAlbedo'> iceline: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.Iceline'> cold_albedo: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.ConstantAlbedo'> warm_albedo: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.P2Albedo'> insolation: <class 'climlab.radiation.insolation.DailyInsolation'> """ if isinstance(proc, Process): self.subprocess.update({name: proc}) self.has_process_type_list = False # Add subprocess diagnostics to parent # (if there are no name conflicts) for diagname, value in proc.diagnostics.items(): #if not (diagname in self.diagnostics or hasattr(self, diagname)): # self.add_diagnostic(diagname, value) self.add_diagnostic(diagname, value) else: raise ValueError('subprocess must be Process object')
[docs] def remove_subprocess(self, name, verbose=True): """Removes a single subprocess from this process. :param string name: name of the subprocess :param bool verbose: information whether warning message should be printed [default: True] :Example: Remove albedo subprocess from energy balance model:: >>> import climlab >>> model = climlab.EBM() >>> print model climlab Process of type <class 'climlab.model.ebm.EBM'>. State variables and domain shapes: Ts: (90, 1) The subprocess tree: top: <class 'climlab.model.ebm.EBM'> diffusion: <class 'climlab.dynamics.diffusion.MeridionalDiffusion'> LW: <class 'climlab.radiation.AplusBT.AplusBT'> albedo: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.StepFunctionAlbedo'> iceline: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.Iceline'> cold_albedo: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.ConstantAlbedo'> warm_albedo: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.P2Albedo'> insolation: <class 'climlab.radiation.insolation.P2Insolation'> >>> model.remove_subprocess('albedo') >>> print model climlab Process of type <class 'climlab.model.ebm.EBM'>. State variables and domain shapes: Ts: (90, 1) The subprocess tree: top: <class 'climlab.model.ebm.EBM'> diffusion: <class 'climlab.dynamics.diffusion.MeridionalDiffusion'> LW: <class 'climlab.radiation.AplusBT.AplusBT'> insolation: <class 'climlab.radiation.insolation.P2Insolation'> """ try: self.subprocess.pop(name) except KeyError: if verbose: print('WARNING: {} not found in subprocess dictionary.'.format(name)) self.has_process_type_list = False
[docs] def set_state(self, name, value): """Sets the variable ``name`` to a new state ``value``. :param string name: name of the state :param value: state variable :type value: :class:`~climlab.domain.field.Field` or *array* :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if state variable ``value`` is not having a domain. :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if shape mismatch between existing domain and new state variable. :Example: Resetting the surface temperature of an EBM to :math:`-5 ^{\circ} \\textrm{C}` on all latitues:: >>> import climlab >>> from climlab import Field >>> import numpy as np >>> # setup model >>> model = climlab.EBM(num_lat=36) >>> # create new temperature distribution >>> initial = -5 * ones(size( >>> model.set_state('Ts', Field(initial,['Ts'])) >>> np.squeeze(model.Ts) Field([-5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5., -5.]) """ if isinstance(value, Field): # populate domains dictionary with domains from state variables{name: value.domain}) else: try: thisdom = self.state[name].domain domshape = thisdom.shape except: raise ValueError('State variable needs a domain.') value = np.atleast_1d(value) if value.shape == domshape: value = Field(value, domain=thisdom) else: raise ValueError('Shape mismatch between existing domain and new state variable.') # set the state dictionary self.state[name] = value for name, value in self.state.items(): #convert int dtype to float if np.issubdtype(self.state[name].dtype, np.dtype('int').type): value = self.state[name].astype(float) self.state[name]=value self.__setattr__(name, value)
def _guess_state_domains(self): for name, value in self.state.items(): for domname, dom in if value.shape == dom.shape: # same shape, assume it's the right domain self.state_domain[name] = dom def _add_field(self, field_type, name, value): """Adds a new field to a specified dictionary. The field is also added as a process attribute. field_type can be 'input', 'diagnostics' """ try: self.__getattribute__(field_type).update({name: value}) except: raise ValueError('Problem with field_type %s' %field_type) # Note that if process has attribute name, this will trigger The # setter method for that attribute self.__setattr__(name, value)
[docs] def add_diagnostic(self, name, value=None): """Create a new diagnostic variable called ``name`` for this process and initialize it with the given ``value``. Quantity is accessible in two ways: * as a process attribute, i.e. ```` * as a member of the diagnostics dictionary, i.e. ``proc.diagnostics['name']`` Use attribute method to set values, e.g. ``` = value ``` :param str name: name of diagnostic quantity to be initialized :param array value: initial value for quantity [default: None] :Example: Add a diagnostic CO2 variable to an energy balance model:: >>> import climlab >>> model = climlab.EBM() >>> # initialize CO2 variable with value 280 ppm >>> model.add_diagnostic('CO2',280.) >>> # access variable directly or through diagnostic dictionary >>> model.CO2 280 >>> model.diagnostics.keys() ['ASR', 'CO2', 'net_radiation', 'icelat', 'OLR', 'albedo'] """ self._diag_vars.append(name) self.__setattr__(name, value)
[docs] def add_input(self, name, value=None): '''Create a new input variable called ``name`` for this process and initialize it with the given ``value``. Quantity is accessible in two ways: * as a process attribute, i.e. ```` * as a member of the input dictionary, i.e. ``proc.input['name']`` Use attribute method to set values, e.g. ``` = value ``` :param str name: name of diagnostic quantity to be initialized :param array value: initial value for quantity [default: None] ''' self._input_vars.append(name) self.__setattr__(name, value)
[docs] def declare_input(self, inputlist): '''Add the variable names in ``inputlist`` to the list of necessary inputs.''' for name in inputlist: self._input_vars.append(name)
[docs] def declare_diagnostics(self, diaglist): '''Add the variable names in ``inputlist`` to the list of diagnostics.''' for name in diaglist: self._diag_vars.append(name)
[docs] def remove_diagnostic(self, name): """ Removes a diagnostic from the ``process.diagnostic`` dictionary and also delete the associated process attribute. :param str name: name of diagnostic quantity to be removed :Example: Remove diagnostic variable 'icelat' from energy balance model:: >>> import climlab >>> model = climlab.EBM() >>> # display all diagnostic variables >>> model.diagnostics.keys() ['ASR', 'OLR', 'net_radiation', 'albedo', 'icelat'] >>> model.remove_diagnostic('icelat') >>> model.diagnostics.keys() ['ASR', 'OLR', 'net_radiation', 'albedo'] >>> # Watch out for subprocesses that may still want >>> # to access the diagnostic 'icelat' variable !!! """ #_ = self.diagnostics.pop(name) #delattr(type(self), name) try: delattr(self, name) self._diag_vars.remove(name) except: print('No diagnostic named {} was found.'.format(name))
[docs] def to_xarray(self, diagnostics=False): """ Convert process variables to ``xarray.Dataset`` format. With ``diagnostics=True``, both state and diagnostic variables are included. Otherwise just the state variables are included. Returns an ``xarray.Dataset`` object with all spatial axes, including 'bounds' axes indicating cell boundaries in each spatial dimension. :Example: Create a single column radiation model and view as ``xarray`` object:: >>> import climlab >>> state = climlab.column_state(num_lev=20) >>> model = climlab.radiation.RRTMG(state=state) >>> # display model state as xarray: >>> model.to_xarray() <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (depth: 1, depth_bounds: 2, lev: 20, lev_bounds: 21) Coordinates: * depth (depth) float64 0.5 * depth_bounds (depth_bounds) float64 0.0 1.0 * lev (lev) float64 25.0 75.0 125.0 175.0 225.0 275.0 325.0 ... * lev_bounds (lev_bounds) float64 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 ... Data variables: Ts (depth) float64 288.0 Tatm (lev) float64 200.0 204.1 208.2 212.3 216.4 220.5 224.6 ... >>> # take a single timestep to populate the diagnostic variables >>> model.step_forward() >>> # Now look at the full output in xarray format >>> model.to_xarray(diagnostics=True) <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (depth: 1, depth_bounds: 2, lev: 20, lev_bounds: 21) Coordinates: * depth (depth) float64 0.5 * depth_bounds (depth_bounds) float64 0.0 1.0 * lev (lev) float64 25.0 75.0 125.0 175.0 225.0 275.0 325.0 ... * lev_bounds (lev_bounds) float64 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 ... Data variables: Ts (depth) float64 288.7 Tatm (lev) float64 201.3 204.0 208.0 212.0 216.1 220.2 ... ASR (depth) float64 240.0 ASRcld (depth) float64 0.0 ASRclr (depth) float64 240.0 LW_flux_down (lev_bounds) float64 0.0 12.63 19.47 26.07 32.92 40.1 ... LW_flux_down_clr (lev_bounds) float64 0.0 12.63 19.47 26.07 32.92 40.1 ... LW_flux_net (lev_bounds) float64 240.1 231.2 227.6 224.1 220.5 ... LW_flux_net_clr (lev_bounds) float64 240.1 231.2 227.6 224.1 220.5 ... LW_flux_up (lev_bounds) float64 240.1 243.9 247.1 250.2 253.4 ... LW_flux_up_clr (lev_bounds) float64 240.1 243.9 247.1 250.2 253.4 ... LW_sfc (depth) float64 128.9 LW_sfc_clr (depth) float64 128.9 OLR (depth) float64 240.1 OLRcld (depth) float64 0.0 OLRclr (depth) float64 240.1 SW_flux_down (lev_bounds) float64 341.3 323.1 318.0 313.5 309.5 ... SW_flux_down_clr (lev_bounds) float64 341.3 323.1 318.0 313.5 309.5 ... SW_flux_net (lev_bounds) float64 240.0 223.3 220.2 217.9 215.9 ... SW_flux_net_clr (lev_bounds) float64 240.0 223.3 220.2 217.9 215.9 ... SW_flux_up (lev_bounds) float64 101.3 99.88 97.77 95.64 93.57 ... SW_flux_up_clr (lev_bounds) float64 101.3 99.88 97.77 95.64 93.57 ... SW_sfc (depth) float64 163.8 SW_sfc_clr (depth) float64 163.8 TdotLW (lev) float64 -1.502 -0.6148 -0.5813 -0.6173 -0.6426 ... TdotLW_clr (lev) float64 -1.502 -0.6148 -0.5813 -0.6173 -0.6426 ... TdotSW (lev) float64 2.821 0.5123 0.3936 0.3368 0.3174 0.3299 ... TdotSW_clr (lev) float64 2.821 0.5123 0.3936 0.3368 0.3174 0.3299 ... """ if diagnostics: dic = self.state.copy() dic.update(self.diagnostics) return state_to_xarray(dic) else: return state_to_xarray(self.state)
@property def diagnostics(self): """Dictionary access to all diagnostic variables :type: dict """ diag_dict = {} for key in self._diag_vars: try: #diag_dict[key] = getattr(self,key) # using self.__dict__ doesn't count diagnostics defined as properties diag_dict[key] = self.__dict__[key] except: pass return diag_dict @property def input(self): """Dictionary access to all input variables That can be boundary conditions and other gridded quantities independent of the `process` :type: dict """ input_dict = {} for key in self._input_vars: try: input_dict[key] = getattr(self,key) except: pass return input_dict # Some handy shortcuts... only really make sense when there is only # a single axis of that type in the process. @property def lat(self): """Latitude of grid centers (degrees North) :getter: Returns the points of axis ``'lat'`` if availible in the process's domains. :type: array :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if no ``'lat'`` axis can be found. """ try: for domname, dom in try: thislat = dom.axes['lat'].points except: pass return thislat except: raise ValueError('Can\'t resolve a lat axis.') @property def lat_bounds(self): """Latitude of grid interfaces (degrees North) :getter: Returns the bounds of axis ``'lat'`` if availible in the process's domains. :type: array :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if no ``'lat'`` axis can be found. """ try: for domname, dom in try: thislat = dom.axes['lat'].bounds except: pass return thislat except: raise ValueError('Can\'t resolve a lat axis.') @property def lon(self): """Longitude of grid centers (degrees) :getter: Returns the points of axis ``'lon'`` if availible in the process's domains. :type: array :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if no ``'lon'`` axis can be found. """ try: for domname, dom in try: thislon = dom.axes['lon'].points except: pass return thislon except: raise ValueError('Can\'t resolve a lon axis.') @property def lon_bounds(self): """Longitude of grid interfaces (degrees) :getter: Returns the bounds of axis ``'lon'`` if availible in the process's domains. :type: array :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if no ``'lon'`` axis can be found. """ try: for domname, dom in try: thislon = dom.axes['lon'].bounds except: pass return thislon except: raise ValueError('Can\'t resolve a lon axis.') @property def lev(self): """Pressure levels at grid centers (hPa or mb) :getter: Returns the points of axis ``'lev'`` if availible in the process's domains. :type: array :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if no ``'lev'`` axis can be found. """ try: for domname, dom in try: thislev = dom.axes['lev'].points except: pass return thislev except: raise ValueError('Can\'t resolve a lev axis.') @property def lev_bounds(self): """Pressure levels at grid interfaces (hPa or mb) :getter: Returns the bounds of axis ``'lev'`` if availible in the process's domains. :type: array :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if no ``'lev'`` axis can be found. """ try: for domname, dom in try: thislev = dom.axes['lev'].bounds except: pass return thislev except: raise ValueError('Can\'t resolve a lev axis.') @property def depth(self): """Depth at grid centers (m) :getter: Returns the points of axis ``'depth'`` if availible in the process's domains. :type: array :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if no ``'depth'`` axis can be found. """ try: for domname, dom in try: thisdepth = dom.axes['depth'].points except: pass return thisdepth except: raise ValueError('Can\'t resolve a depth axis.') @property def depth_bounds(self): """Depth at grid interfaces (m) :getter: Returns the bounds of axis ``'depth'`` if availible in the process's domains. :type: array :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if no ``'depth'`` axis can be found. """ try: for domname, dom in try: thisdepth = dom.axes['depth'].bounds except: pass return thisdepth except: raise ValueError('Can\'t resolve a depth axis.')
[docs] def process_like(proc): """Make an exact clone of a process, including state and all subprocesses. The creation date is updated. :param proc: process :type proc: :class:`~climlab.process.process.Process` :return: new process identical to the given process :rtype: :class:`~climlab.process.process.Process` :Example: :: >>> import climlab >>> from climlab.process.process import process_like >>> model = climlab.EBM() >>> model.subprocess.keys() ['diffusion', 'LW', 'albedo', 'insolation'] >>> albedo = model.subprocess['albedo'] >>> albedo_copy = process_like(albedo) >>> albedo.creation_date 'Thu, 24 Mar 2016 01:32:25 +0000' >>> albedo_copy.creation_date 'Thu, 24 Mar 2016 01:33:29 +0000' """ newproc = copy.deepcopy(proc) newproc.creation_date = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", time.localtime()) return newproc
[docs] def get_axes(process_or_domain): """Returns a dictionary of all Axis in a domain or dictionary of domains. :param process_or_domain: a process or a domain object :type process_or_domain: :class:`~climlab.process.process.Process` or :class:`~climlab.domain.domain._Domain` :raises: :exc: `TypeError` if input is not or not having a domain :returns: dictionary of input's Axis :rtype: dict :Example: :: >>> import climlab >>> from climlab.process.process import get_axes >>> model = climlab.EBM() >>> get_axes(model) {'lat': <climlab.domain.axis.Axis object at 0x7ff13b9dd2d0>, 'depth': <climlab.domain.axis.Axis object at 0x7ff13b9dd310>} """ if isinstance(process_or_domain, Process): dom = else: dom = process_or_domain if isinstance(dom, _Domain): return dom.axes elif isinstance(dom, dict): axes = {} for thisdom in list(dom.values()): assert isinstance(thisdom, _Domain) axes.update(thisdom.axes) return axes else: raise TypeError('dom must be a domain or dictionary of domains.')