Source code for climlab.dynamics.meridional_heat_diffusion

r"""Solver for the 1D meridional heat diffusion equation on the sphere:

.. math::

    C\frac{\partial}{\partial t} T(\phi,t) = \frac{1}{\cos\phi} \frac{\partial}{\partial \phi} \left[ \cos\phi ~ D ~ \frac{\partial T}{\partial \phi} \right]

for a temperature state variable :math:`T(\phi,t)`,
a vertically-integrated heat capacity :math:`C`,
and arbitrary thermal diffusivity :math:`D(\phi,t)`
in units of W/m2/K.

The diffusivity :math:`D` can be a single scalar,
or optionally a vector *specified at grid cell boundaries*
(so its length must be exactly 1 greater than the length of :math:`\phi`).

:math:`D` can be modified by the user at any time
(e.g., after each timestep, if it depends on other state variables).

The heat capacity :math:`C` is normally handled automatically by CLIMLAB
as part of the grid specification.

A fully implicit timestep is used for computational efficiency. Thus the computed
tendency :math:`\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}` will depend on the timestep.

The diagnostics ``diffusive_flux`` and ``flux_convergence`` are computed
as described in the parent class ``MeridionalDiffusion``.
Two additional diagnostics are computed here,
which are meaningful if :math:`T` represents a *zonally averaged temperature*:

- ``heat_transport`` given by :math:`\mathcal{H}(\phi) = -2 \pi ~ a^2 ~ \cos\phi ~ D ~ \frac{\partial T}{\partial \phi}` in units of PW (petawatts).
- ``heat_transport_convergence`` given by :math:`-\frac{1}{2 \pi ~a^2 \cos\phi} \frac{\partial \mathcal{H}}{\partial \phi}` in units of W/m2

Non-uniform grid spacing is supported.

The state variable :math:`T` may be multi-dimensional, but the diffusion
will operate along the latitude dimension only.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from .meridional_advection_diffusion import MeridionalDiffusion
from climlab import constants as const

[docs] class MeridionalHeatDiffusion(MeridionalDiffusion): '''A 1D diffusion solver for Energy Balance Models. Solves the meridional heat diffusion equation .. math:: C \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} = -\frac{1}{\cos\phi} \frac{\partial}{\partial \phi} \left[ -D \cos\phi \frac{\partial T}{\partial \phi} \right] on an evenly-spaced latitude grid, with a state variable :math:`T`, a heat capacity :math:`C` and diffusivity :math:`D`. Assuming :math:`T` is a temperature in K or degC, then the units are: - :math:`D` in W m-2 K-1 - :math:`C` in J m-2 K-1 :math:`D` is provided as input, and can be either scalar or vector defined at latitude boundaries. :math:`C` is normally handled automatically for temperature state variables in CLIMLAB. ''' def __init__(self, D=0.555, # in W / m^2 / degC use_banded_solver=False, **kwargs): # First just use a dummy value for K super(MeridionalHeatDiffusion, self).__init__(K=1., use_banded_solver=use_banded_solver, **kwargs) # Now initialize properly self.D = D self.add_diagnostic('heat_transport', 0.*self.diffusive_flux) self.add_diagnostic('heat_transport_convergence', 0.*self.flux_convergence) @property def D(self): return self._D @D.setter def D(self, Dvalue): self._D = Dvalue self._update_diffusivity()
[docs] def _update_diffusivity(self): for varname, value in self.state.items(): heat_capacity = value.domain.heat_capacity # diffusivity in units of m**2/s self.K = self.D / heat_capacity * const.a**2
[docs] def _update_diagnostics(self, newstate): super(MeridionalHeatDiffusion, self)._update_diagnostics(newstate) for varname, value in self.state.items(): heat_capacity = value.domain.heat_capacity coslat_bounds = np.moveaxis(self._weight_bounds,-1,self.diffusion_axis_index) self.heat_transport[:] = (self.diffusive_flux * heat_capacity * 2 * np.pi * const.a * coslat_bounds * 1E-15) # in PW self.heat_transport_convergence[:] = (self.flux_convergence * heat_capacity) # in W/m**2