r"""CLIMLAB Process objects for advection-diffusion processes of the form
.. math::
\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \psi(x,t) &= -\frac{1}{w(x)} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left[ w(x) ~ \mathcal{F}(x,t) \right] \\
\mathcal{F} &= U(x) \psi(x) -K(x) ~ \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial x} + F(x)
for a state variable :math:`\psi(x,t)`, diffusivity :math:`K(x)`
in units of :math:`x^2 ~ t^{-1}`, advecting velocity :math:`U(x)`
in units of :math:`x ~ t^{-1}`, and a prescribed flux F(x)
(including boundary conditions) in units of :math:`\psi ~ x ~ t^{-1}`.
The prescribed flux :math:`F(x)` defaults to zero everywhere. The user can
implement a non-zero boundary flux condition by passing a non-zero array
``prescribed_flux`` as input.
:math:`w(x)` is an optional weighting function
for the divergence operator on curvilinear grids.
The diffusivity :math:`K` and velocity :math:`U` can be scalars,
or optionally vectors *specified at grid cell boundaries*
(so their lengths must be exactly 1 greater than the length of :math:`x`).
:math:`K` and :math:`U` can be modified by the user at any time
(e.g., after each timestep, if they depend on other state variables).
A fully implicit timestep is used for computational efficiency. Thus the computed
tendency :math:`\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}` will depend on the timestep.
In addition to the tendency over the implicit timestep,
the solver also calculates several diagnostics from the updated state:
- ``diffusive_flux`` given by :math:`-K(x) ~ \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial x}` in units of :math:`[\psi]~[x]`/s
- ``advective_flux`` given by :math:`U(x) \psi(x)` (same units)
- ``total_flux``, the sum of advective, diffusive and prescribed fluxes
- ``flux_convergence`` given by the right hand side of the first equation above, in units of :math:`[\psi]`/s
This base class can be used without modification for diffusion in
Cartesian coordinates (:math:`w=1`). Non-uniformly spaced grids are supported.
The state variable :math:`\psi` may be multi-dimensional, but the diffusion
will operate along a single dimension only.
Other classes implement the weighting for spherical geometry.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from climlab.process.implicit import ImplicitProcess
from climlab.process.process import get_axes
from . import adv_diff_numerics
class AdvectionDiffusion(ImplicitProcess):
"""A parent class for one dimensional implicit advection-diffusion modules.
**Initialization parameters** \n
:param float K: the diffusivity parameter in units of
where length is the unit of the spatial axis
on which the diffusion is occuring.
:param float U: Advection velocity in units of
:param str diffusion_axis: dictionary key for axis on which the
diffusion is occuring in process's domain
axes dictionary
:param bool use_banded_solver: input flag, whether to use
instead of :py:func:`numpy.linalg.solve`
[default: False]
.. note::
The banded solver :py:func:`scipy.linalg.solve_banded` is faster than
:py:func:`numpy.linalg.solve` but only works for one dimensional diffusion.
**Object attributes** \n
Additional to the parent class
following object attributes are generated or modified during initialization:
:ivar dict param: parameter dictionary is extended by
diffusivity parameter K (unit:
:ivar bool use_banded_solver: input flag specifying numerical solving
method (given during initialization)
:ivar str diffusion_axis: dictionary key for axis where diffusion
is occuring:
specified during initialization
or output of method
:ivar array _advdiffTriDiag: tridiagonal diffusion matrix made by
:func:`_make_diffusion_matrix()` with input
Here is an example showing implementation of a vertical diffusion.
It shows that a subprocess can work on just a subset of the parent process
state variables.
.. plot:: code_input_manual/example_diffusion.py
def __init__(self,
super(AdvectionDiffusion, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.use_banded_solver = use_banded_solver
if diffusion_axis is None: # diffusion axis is also advection axis!
self.diffusion_axis = _guess_diffusion_axis(self)
self.diffusion_axis = diffusion_axis
for dom in list(self.domains.values()):
points = dom.axes[self.diffusion_axis].points
bounds = dom.axes[self.diffusion_axis].bounds
self.diffusion_axis_index = dom.axis_index[self.diffusion_axis]
# Cell bounds and centers in length units for diffusion operator
# Ensure they have shame dimensions as state var
for varname, value in self.state.items():
arr = np.moveaxis(0.*value, self.diffusion_axis_index, -1)
J = arr.shape[-1]
sizeJ = tuple([n for n in arr.shape[:-1]] + [J])
sizeJplus1 = tuple([n for n in arr.shape[:-1]] + [J+1])
arr[...,:] = points
self._Xcenter = arr
self._Xbounds = np.zeros(sizeJplus1)
self._Xbounds[...,:] = bounds
self._weight_bounds = np.ones_like(self._Xbounds) # weights for curvilinear grids
self._weight_center = np.ones_like(self._Xcenter)
self.prescribed_flux = prescribed_flux # flux including boundary conditions
self.K = K # Diffusivity in units of [length]**2 / [time]
self.U = U # Advecting velocity in units of [length] / [time]
self.add_diagnostic('advective_flux', 0.*self.diffusive_flux)
self.add_diagnostic('total_flux', 0.*self.diffusive_flux)
for varname, value in self.state.items():
def K(self):
return self._K
@K.setter # currently this assumes that Kvalue is scalar or has the right dimensions...
def K(self, Kvalue):
self._K = Kvalue
def U(self):
return self._U
def U(self, Uvalue):
self._U = Uvalue
def prescribed_flux(self):
return self._prescribed_flux
def prescribed_flux(self, fluxvalue):
self._prescribed_flux = fluxvalue
for varname, value in self.state.items():
field = np.moveaxis(value, self.diffusion_axis_index,-1)
fluxarray = np.ones_like(self._Xbounds) * self._prescribed_flux
self._source = adv_diff_numerics.compute_source(X=self._Xcenter,
Xb=self._Xbounds, prescribed_flux=fluxarray,
W=self._weight_center, Wb=self._weight_bounds)
def _compute_advdiff_matrix(self):
Karray = np.ones_like(self._Xbounds) * self.K
Uarray = np.ones_like(self._Xbounds) * self.U
except Exception:
Uarray = 0.*Karray
self._advdiffTriDiag = adv_diff_numerics.advdiff_tridiag(X=self._Xcenter,
Xb=self._Xbounds, K=Karray, U=Uarray, W=self._weight_center, Wb=self._weight_bounds,
def _implicit_solver(self):
newstate = {}
for varname, value in self.state.items():
field = np.moveaxis(value, self.diffusion_axis_index,-1)
result = adv_diff_numerics.implicit_step_forward(field,
self._advdiffTriDiag, self._source, self.timestep,
newstate[varname] = np.moveaxis(result,-1,self.diffusion_axis_index)
return newstate
def _update_diagnostics(self, newstate):
Karray = np.ones_like(self._Xbounds) * self.K
Uarray = np.ones_like(self._Xbounds) * self.U
for varname, value in newstate.items():
field = np.moveaxis(value, self.diffusion_axis_index,-1)
diff_flux = adv_diff_numerics.diffusive_flux(self._Xcenter,
self._Xbounds, Karray, field)
adv_flux = adv_diff_numerics.advective_flux(self._Xcenter,
self._Xbounds, Uarray, field)
self.diffusive_flux[:] = np.moveaxis(diff_flux,-1,self.diffusion_axis_index)
self.advective_flux[:] = np.moveaxis(adv_flux,-1,self.diffusion_axis_index)
source = 0.*field
convergence = adv_diff_numerics.compute_tendency(field,
self._advdiffTriDiag, source, use_banded_solver=self.use_banded_solver)
self.flux_convergence[:] = np.moveaxis(convergence,-1,self.diffusion_axis_index)
class Diffusion(AdvectionDiffusion):
'''1D diffusion only, with advection set to zero.
Otherwise identical to the parent class AdvectionDiffusion.
def __init__(self,
super(Diffusion, self).__init__(K=K, U=0.,
use_banded_solver=use_banded_solver, **kwargs)
def _guess_diffusion_axis(process_or_domain):
"""Scans given process, domain or dictionary of domains for a diffusion axis
and returns appropriate name.
In case only one axis with length > 1 in the process or set of domains
exists, the name of that axis is returned. Otherwise an error is raised.
:param process_or_domain: input from where diffusion axis should be guessed
:type process_or_domain: :class:`~climlab.process.process.Process`,
:class:`~climlab.domain.domain._Domain` or
:py:class:`dict` of domains
:raises: :exc:`ValueError` if more than one diffusion axis is possible.
:returns: name of the diffusion axis
:rtype: str
axes = get_axes(process_or_domain)
diff_ax = {}
for axname, ax in axes.items():
if ax.num_points > 1:
diff_ax.update({axname: ax})
if len(list(diff_ax.keys())) == 1:
return list(diff_ax.keys())[0]
raise ValueError('More than one possible diffusion axis.')