The 1D advection-diffusion problem
The equation to be solved is
.. math::
\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \psi(x,t) &= -\frac{1}{w(x)} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left[ w(x) ~ \mathcal{F}(x,t) \right] + \dot{\psi}\\
\mathcal{F} &= U(x) \psi(x) -K(x) ~ \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial x} + F(x)
for the following quantities:
- state variable :math:`\psi(x,t)`
- diffusivity :math:`K(x)` in units of :math:`x^2 ~ t^{-1}`
- advecting velocity :math:`U(x)` in units of :math:`x ~ t^{-1}`
- a prescribed flux :math:`F(x)` (including boundary conditions) in units of :math:`\psi ~ x ~ t^{-1}`
- a scalar source/sink :math:`\dot{\psi}(x)` in units of :math:`\psi ~ t^{-1}`
- weighting function :math:`w(x)` for the divergence operator on curvilinear grids.
The boundary condition is a flux condition at the end points:
.. math::
\begin{align} \label{eq:fluxcondition}
\mathcal{F}(x_0) &= F(x_0) & \mathcal{F}(x_J) &= F(x_J)
which requires that the advecting velocity :math:`u(x) = 0` at the end points :math:`x_0, x_J`
The solver is implemented on a 1D staggered grid, with J+1 flux points
and J scalar points located somewhere between the flux points.
The solver does **not** assume the gridpoints are evenly spaced in :math:`x`.
Routines are provided to compute the following:
- Advective, diffusive, and total fluxes (the terms of :math:`\mathcal{F}`)
- Tridiagonal matrix operator for the flux convergence
- The actual flux convergence, or instantaneous scalar tendency given a current value of :math:`\psi(x)`
- Future value of :math:`\psi(x)` for an implicit timestep
Some details of the solver formulas are laid out below for reference.
Spatial discretization
We use a non-uniform staggered spatial grid with scalar :math:`\psi` evaluated at :math:`J` points,
and flux :math:`\mathcal{F}` evaluated at :math:`J+1` flux points.
The indexing will run from :math:`j=0` to :math:`j=J` for the flux points,
and :math:`i=0` to :math:`i=J-1` for the scalar points.
This notation is consistent with zero-indexed Python arrays.
We define the following arrays:
- :math:`\mathcal{X}_b[j]` is a length J+1 array defining the location of the flux points.
- :math:`\mathcal{X}[i]` is a length J array defining the location of the scalar points, where point :math:`\mathcal{X}[j]` is somewhere between :math:`\mathcal{X}_b[j]` and :math:`\mathcal{X}_b[j+1]` for all :math:`j<J`.
- :math:`\psi[i], \dot{\psi}[i]` are length J arrays defined on :math:`\mathcal{X}`.
- :math:`U[j], K[j], F[j]` are all arrays of length J+1 defined on :math:`\mathcal{X}_b`.
- The grid weights are similarly in arrays :math:`W_b[j], W[i]` respectively on :math:`\mathcal{X}_b`` and :math:`\mathcal{X}`.
Centered difference formulas for the flux
We use centered differences in :math:`x` to discretize the spatial derivatives.
The diffusive component of the flux is thus
.. math::
\mathcal{F}_{diff}[j] &= - K[j] \frac{ \left( \psi[i] - \psi[i-1] \right) }{\left( \mathcal{X}[i] - \mathcal{X}[i-1] \right)} & j&=i=1,2,...,J-1
The diffusive flux is assumed to be zero at the boundaries.
The advective term requires an additional approximation since the scalar :math:`\psi` is not defined at the flux points.
We use a linear interpolation to the flux points:
.. math::
\psi_b[j] &\equiv \psi[i-1] \left( \frac{\mathcal{X}[i] - \mathcal{X}_b[j]}{\mathcal{X}[i] - \mathcal{X}[i-1]} \right) + \psi[i] \left( \frac{ \mathcal{X}_b[j] - \mathcal{X}[i-1] }{\mathcal{X}[i] - \mathcal{X}[i-1]} \right) & j&=i=1,2,...,J-1
Note that for an evenly spaced grid, this reduces to the simple average :math:`\frac{1}{2} \left( \psi[i-1] + \psi[i] \right)`.
With this interpolation, the advective flux is approximated by
.. math::
\mathcal{F}_{adv}[j] &= \frac{U[j] }{\mathcal{X}[i] - \mathcal{X}[i-1]} \left( \psi[i-1] (\mathcal{X}[i] - \mathcal{X}_b[j]) + \psi[i] (\mathcal{X}_b[j] - \mathcal{X}[i-1]) \right) & j&=i=1,2,...,J-1
The total flux away from the boundaries (after some recombining terms) is thus:
.. math::
\mathcal{F}[j] = F[j] + \psi[i-1] \left( \frac{K[j] + U[j] (\mathcal{X}[i] - \mathcal{X}_b[j]) }{ \mathcal{X}[i] - \mathcal{X}[i-1] } \right) - \psi[i] \left( \frac{K[j] - U[j] (\mathcal{X}_b[j] - \mathcal{X}[i-1]) }{\mathcal{X}[i] - \mathcal{X}[i-1] } \right)
which is valid for j=i=1,2,...,J-1.
Centered difference formulas for the flux convergence
Centered difference approximation of the flux convergence gives
.. math::
\frac{\partial }{\partial t} \psi[i] &= -\frac{ W_b[j+1] \mathcal{F}[j+1] - W_b[j] \mathcal{F}[j] }{W[i] ( \mathcal{X}_b[j+1] - \mathcal{X}_b[j] )} + \dot{\psi}[i] & i&=j=0,1,...,J-1
The flux convergences are best expressed together in matrix form:
.. math::
\frac{\partial \boldsymbol{\psi}}{\partial t} = \boldsymbol{T} ~ \boldsymbol{\psi} + \boldsymbol{S}
where :math:`\boldsymbol{\psi}` is the :math:`J\times1` column vector,
:math:`\boldsymbol{S}` is a :math:`J\times1` column vector
representing the prescribed flux convergence and source terms, whose elements are
.. math::
S[i] &= \frac{-W_b[j+1] F[j+1] + W_b[j] F[j]}{W[i] ( \mathcal{X}_b[j+1] - \mathcal{X}_b[j] )} + \dot{\psi}[i] & i&=j=0,1,...,J-1
and :math:`\boldsymbol{T}` is a :math:`J\times J` tridiagonal matrix:
.. math::
\boldsymbol{T} ~ \boldsymbol{\psi} = \left[\begin{array}{ccccccc} T_{m0} & T_{u1} & 0 & ... & 0 & 0 & 0 \\T_{l0} & T_{m1} & T_{u2} & ... & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & T_{l1} & T_{m2} & ... & 0 & 0 & 0 \\... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... \\0 & 0 & 0 & ... & T_{m(J-3)} & T_{u(J-2)} & 0 \\0 & 0 & 0 & ... & T_{l(J-3)} & T_{m(J-2)} & T_{u(J-1)} \\0 & 0 & 0 & ... & 0 & T_{l(J-2)} & T_{m(J-1)}\end{array}\right] \left[\begin{array}{c} \psi_0 \\ \psi_1 \\ \psi_2 \\... \\ \psi_{J-3} \\ \psi_{J-2} \\ \psi_{J-1} \end{array}\right]
with vectors :math:`T_l, T_m, T_u` representing respectively the lower, main, and upper diagonals of :math:`\boldsymbol{T}`.
We will treat all three vectors as length J;
the 0th element of :math:`T_u` is ignored while the (J-1)th element of :math:`T_l` is ignored
(this is consistent with the expected inputs for the Python module scipy.linalg.solve_banded).
The instantanous tendency is then easily computed by matrix multiplication.
The elements of the main diagonal of :math:`\boldsymbol{\psi}` can be computed from
.. math::
\begin{align} \label{eq:maindiag}
T_m[i] &= -\left( \frac{ W_b[j+1] \big( K[j+1] + U[j+1] (\mathcal{X}[i+1] - \mathcal{X}_b[j+1]) \big) }{ W[i] ( \mathcal{X}_b[j+1] - \mathcal{X}_b[j] )(\mathcal{X}[i+1] - \mathcal{X}[i]) } \right) \\
& \qquad - \left( \frac{W_b[j] \big( K[j] - U[j] (\mathcal{X}_b[j] - \mathcal{X}[i-1]) \big) }{W[i] ( \mathcal{X}_b[j+1] - \mathcal{X}_b[j] )(\mathcal{X}[i] - \mathcal{X}[i-1]) } \right) \\
i &=j=0,2,...,J-1
which is valid at the boundaries so long as we set :math:`W_b[0] = W_b[J] = 0`.
The lower diagonal (including the right boundary condition) is computed from
.. math::
\begin{align} \label{eq:lowerdiag}
T_l[i-1] &= \left( \frac{W_b[j]}{W[i] } \right) \left( \frac{ K[j] + U[j] (\mathcal{X}[i] - \mathcal{X}_b[j]) }{( \mathcal{X}_b[j+1] - \mathcal{X}_b[j] ) (\mathcal{X}[i] - \mathcal{X}[i-1] )} \right) \\
i &=j =1,2,...,J-2, J-1
Finally the upper diagonal (including the left boundary condition) is computed from
.. math::
\begin{align} \label{eq:upperdiag}
T_u[i+1] &= \left( \frac{W_b[j+1]}{W[i]} \right) \left( \frac{K[j+1] - U[j+1] (\mathcal{X}_b[j+1] - \mathcal{X}[i]) }{( \mathcal{X}_b[j+1] - \mathcal{X}_b[j] )(\mathcal{X}[i+1] - \mathcal{X}[i] ) } \right) \\
i &= j=0,...,J-2
Implicit time discretization
The forward-time finite difference approximation to LHS of the flux-convergence equation is simply
.. math::
\frac{\partial \psi[i]}{\partial t} \approx \frac{\psi^{n+1}[i]- \psi^{n}[i]}{\Delta t}
where the superscript :math:`n` indicates the time index.
We use the implicit-time method, in which the RHS is evaluated at the future time :math:`n+1`.
Applying this to the matrix equation above
and moving all the terms at time :math:`n+1` over to the LHS yields
.. math::
\begin{equation} \label{eq:implicit_tridiagonal}
\left( \boldsymbol{I} - \boldsymbol{T} \Delta t \right) \boldsymbol{\psi}^{n+1} = \boldsymbol{\psi}^{n} + \boldsymbol{S} \Delta t
where :math:`\boldsymbol{I}` is the :math:`J\times J` identity matrix.
Solving for the future value :math:`\boldsymbol{\psi}^{n+1}` is then accomplished
by solving the :math:`J \times J` tridiagonal linear system using standard routines.
Analytical benchmark
Here is an analytical case to be used for testing purposes to validate the numerical code.
This is implemented in the CLIMLAB test suite.
- :math:`K=K_0` is constant
- :math:`w(x) = 1` everywhere (Cartesian coordinates)
- :math:`F = 0` everywhere
- :math:`\psi(x,0) = \psi_0 \sin^2\left(\frac{\pi x}{L}\right)`
- :math:`u(x) = U_0 \sin\left(\frac{\pi x}{L}\right)`
for a domain with endpoints at :math:`x=0` and :math:`x=L`.
The analytical solution is
.. math::
\mathcal{F} &= \psi_0 \sin\left(\frac{\pi x}{L}\right) \left[U_0 \sin^2\left(\frac{\pi x}{L}\right) - 2K \frac{\pi}{L} \cos\left(\frac{\pi x}{L}\right) \right] \\
\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t} &= -\psi_0 \frac{\pi}{L} \left\{ 3 U_0 \sin^2\left(\frac{\pi x}{L}\right) \cos\left(\frac{\pi x}{L}\right) -2K\frac{\pi}{L} \left[\cos^2\left(\frac{\pi x}{L}\right) -\sin^2\left(\frac{\pi x}{L}\right) \right] \right\}
which satisfies the boundary condition :math:`\mathcal{F} = 0` at :math:`x=0` and :math:`x=L`.
Module function reference
All the functions in ``climlab.dynamics.adv_diff_numerics`` are vectorized
to handle multidimensional input. The key assumption is that
**advection-diffusion operates along the final dimension**.
Inputs should be reshaped appropriately (e.g. with ``numpy.moveaxis()``)
before calling these functions.
from __future__ import division
from numpy import zeros, ones, zeros_like, ones_like, matmul, diag, diag_indices, diff, newaxis
from numpy.linalg import solve
from scipy.linalg import solve_banded
def diffusive_flux(X, Xb, K, field):
'''Return the diffusive flux on cell boundaries (length J+1)'''
flux = zeros_like(K)
flux[...,1:-1] += field[...,:-1]*K[...,1:-1]/diff(X,axis=-1)
flux[...,1:-1] -= field[...,1:]*K[...,1:-1]/diff(X,axis=-1)
return flux
def advective_flux(X, Xb, U, field):
'''Return the advective flux on cell boundaries (length J+1)'''
flux = zeros_like(U)
flux[...,1:-1] += field[...,:-1]*(U[...,1:-1]*(X[...,1:]-Xb[...,1:-1]))/diff(X,axis=-1)
flux[...,1:-1] -= field[...,1:]*(-U[...,1:-1]*(Xb[...,1:-1]-X[...,:-1]))/diff(X,axis=-1)
return flux
def total_flux(X, Xb, K, U, field, prescribed_flux=None):
'''Return the total (advective + diffusive + prescribed) flux
on cell boundaries (length J+1)'''
if prescribed_flux is None:
prescribed_flux = zeros_like(U)
return advective_flux(X, Xb, U, field) + diffusive_flux(X, Xb, K, field) + prescribed_flux
def advdiff_tridiag(X, Xb, K, U, W=None, Wb=None, use_banded_solver=False):
r'''Compute the tridiagonal matrix operator for the advective-diffusive
flux convergence.
Input arrays of length J+1:
Xb, Wb, K, U
Input arrays of length J:
X, W
The 0th and Jth (i.e. first and last) elements of Wb are ignored;
assuming boundary condition is a prescribed flux.
The return value depends on input flag ``use_banded_solver``
If ``use_banded_solver==True``, return a 3xJ array containing the elements of the tridiagonal.
This version is restricted to 1D input arrays,
but is suitable for use with the efficient banded solver.
If ``use_banded_solver=False`` (which it must be for multidimensional input),
return an array (...,J,J) with the full tridiagonal matrix.
J = X.shape[-1]
if (W is None):
W = ones_like(X)
if (Wb is None):
Wb = ones_like(Xb)
# These are all length (J-1) in the last axis
lower_diagonal = (Wb[...,1:-1]/W[...,1:] *
(K[...,1:-1]+U[...,1:-1]*(X[...,1:]-Xb[...,1:-1])) /
upper_diagonal = (Wb[...,1:-1]/W[...,:-1] *
(K[...,1:-1]-U[...,1:-1]*(Xb[...,1:-1]-X[...,:-1])) /
main_diagonal_term1 = (-Wb[...,1:-1]/W[...,:-1] *
(K[...,1:-1]+U[...,1:-1]*(X[...,1:]-Xb[...,1:-1])) /
main_diagonal_term2 = (-Wb[...,1:-1]/W[...,1:] *
(K[...,1:-1]-U[...,1:-1]*(Xb[...,1:-1]-X[...,:-1])) /
if use_banded_solver:
# Pack the diagonals into a 3xJ array
tridiag_banded = zeros((3,J))
# Lower diagonal (last element ignored)
tridiag_banded[2,:-1] = lower_diagonal
# Upper diagonal (first element ignored)
tridiag_banded[0,1:] = upper_diagonal
# Main diagonal, term 1, length J-1
tridiag_banded[1,:-1] += main_diagonal_term1
# Main diagonal, term 2, length J-1
tridiag_banded[1, 1:] += main_diagonal_term2
return tridiag_banded
# If X.size is (...,J), then the tridiagonal operator is (...,J,J)
sizeJJ = tuple([n for n in X.shape[:-1]] + [J,J])
tridiag = zeros(sizeJJ)
# indices for main, upper, and lower diagonals of a JxJ matrix
inds_main = diag_indices(J)
inds_upper = (inds_main[0][:-1], inds_main[1][1:])
inds_lower = (inds_main[0][1:], inds_main[1][:-1])
# Lower diagonal (length J-1)
tridiag[...,inds_lower[0],inds_lower[1]] = lower_diagonal
# Upper diagonal (length J-1)
tridiag[...,inds_upper[0],inds_upper[1]] = upper_diagonal
# Main diagonal, term 1, length J-1
tridiag[...,inds_main[0][:-1],inds_main[1][:-1]] += main_diagonal_term1
# Main diagonal, term 2, length J-1
tridiag[...,inds_main[0][1:],inds_main[1][1:]] += main_diagonal_term2
return tridiag
def make_the_actual_tridiagonal_matrix(tridiag_banded):
'''Convert a (3xJ) banded array into full (JxJ) tridiagonal matrix form.'''
return (diag(tridiag_banded[1,:], k=0) +
diag(tridiag_banded[0,1:], k=1) +
diag(tridiag_banded[2,:-1], k=-1))
def compute_source(X, Xb, prescribed_flux=None, prescribed_source=None,
W=None, Wb=None):
'''Return the source array S consisting of the convergence of the prescribed flux
plus the prescribed scalar source.'''
if (W is None):
W = ones_like(X)
if (Wb is None):
Wb = ones_like(Xb)
if prescribed_flux is None:
prescribed_flux = zeros_like(Xb)
if prescribed_source is None:
prescribed_source = zeros_like(X)
F = prescribed_flux
return ((-Wb[...,1:]*F[...,1:]+Wb[...,:-1]*F[...,:-1]) /
(W*(Xb[...,1:]-Xb[...,:-1])) + prescribed_source)
def compute_tendency(field, tridiag, source, use_banded_solver=False):
r'''Return the instantaneous scalar tendency.
This is the sum of the convergence of advective+diffusive flux plus any
prescribed convergence or scalar sources.
The convergence is computed by matrix multiplication:
.. math::
\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t} = T \times \psi + S
where :math:`T` is the tridiagonal flux convergence matrix.
if use_banded_solver:
tridiag = make_the_actual_tridiagonal_matrix(tridiag)
# np.matmul expects the final 2 dims of each array to be matrices
# add a singleton dimension to field so we get (J,J)x(J,1)->(J,1)
result = matmul(tridiag, field[...,newaxis]) + source[...,newaxis]
# Now strip the extra dim
return result[...,0]
def implicit_step_forward(initial_field, tridiag, source, timestep,
r'''Return the field at future time using an implicit timestep.
The matrix problem is
.. math::
(I - T \Delta t) \psi^{n+1} = \psi^n + S \Delta t
where :math:`T` is the tridiagonal matrix for the flux convergence, :math:`psi` is the
state variable, the superscript :math:`n` refers to the time index, and :math:`S \Delta t`
is the accumulated source over the timestep :math:`\Delta t`.
Input arguments:
- ``initial_field``: the current state variable :math:`\psi^n`, dimensions (...,J)
- ``tridiag``: the tridiagonal matrix :math:`T`, dimensions (...,J,J) or (...,3,J) depending on the value of ``use_banded_solver``
- ``source``: prescribed sources/sinks of :math:`\psi`, dimensions (...,J)
- ``timestep``: the discrete timestep in time units
- ``use_banded_solver``: switch to use the optional efficient banded solver (see below)
Returns the updated value of the state variable :math:`\psi^{n+1}`, dimensions (...,J)
The expected shape of ``tridiag`` depends on the switch ``use_banded_solver``,
which should be consistent with that used in the call to ``advdiff_tridiag()``.
If ``True``, we use the efficient banded matrix solver
However this will probably only work for a 1D state variable.
The default is to use the general linear system solver ``numpy.linalg.solve()``.
RHS = initial_field + source*timestep
I = 0.*tridiag
J = initial_field.shape[-1]
if use_banded_solver:
I[1,:] = 1. # identity matrix in banded form
IminusTdt = I-tridiag*timestep
return solve_banded((1, 1), IminusTdt, RHS)
# indices for main, upper, and lower diagonals of a JxJ matrix
inds_main = diag_indices(J)
I = 0.*tridiag
I[...,inds_main[0],inds_main[1]] = 1. # stacked identity matrix
IminusTdt = I-tridiag*timestep
return solve(IminusTdt, RHS)