Source code for climlab.convection.emanuel_convection

A climlab process for the Emanuel convection scheme
from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np
import warnings
from climlab.process import TimeDependentProcess
from climlab.utils.thermo import qsat
from climlab import constants as const
    from climlab_emanuel_convection import emanuel_convection as convect
    warnings.warn('Cannot import EmanuelConvection fortran extension, this module will not be functional.')
# The array conversion routines we are borrowing from the RRTMG wrapper
from climlab.radiation.rrtm.utils import _climlab_to_rrtm as _climlab_to_convect
from climlab.radiation.rrtm.utils import _rrtm_to_climlab as _convect_to_climlab

# Thermodynamic constants
CPD = const.cp
CPV = const.cpv
RV = const.Rv
RD = const.Rd
LV0 = const.Lhvap
G = const.g
ROWL = const.rho_w
# specific heat of liquid water -- artifically small!
#   Kerry Emanuel's notes say this is intentional, do not change this.
#CPV = CPD  #  try neglecting effect of water vapor on heat capacity

[docs] class EmanuelConvection(TimeDependentProcess): ''' The climlab wrapper for Kerry Emanuel's moist convection scheme <> From the documentation distributed with the Fortran 77 code CONVECT: The subroutine is designed to be used in time-marching models of mesoscale to global-scale dimensions. It is meant to represent the effects of all moist convection, including shallow, non-precipitating cumulus. It also contains a dry adiabatic adjustment scheme. Since the method of calculating the convective fluxes involves a relaxation toward quasi-equilibrium, subroutine CONVECT must be run for at least several time steps to give meaningful results. At the first time step, the tendencies and convective precipitation will be zero. If the initial sounding is unstable, these will rapidly increase over successive time steps, depending on the values of the constants ALPHA and DAMP. Thus the user interested in convective fluxes and precipitation associated with a single initial sounding (i.e., without large-scale forcing) should still march CONVECT forward enough time steps that the fluxes have returned back to zero; the net tendencies and precipitation integrated over this time interval are then the desired results. But it should be cautioned that these quantities will not necessarily be independent of other model parameters such as the time step. CONVECT is very much built on the philosophy that convection, to the extent it can be represented in terms of large-scale variables, is never very far away from statistical equilibrium with the large-scale flow. To achieve a smooth evolution of the convective forcing, CONVECT should be called at least every 20 minutes during the time integration. CONVECT will work at longer time intervals, but the convective tendencies may become noisy. Basic characteristics: State: - Ts (surface radiative temperature -- optional, and ignored) - Tatm (air temperature in K) - q (specific humidity in kg/kg) - U (zonal velocity in m/s -- optional) - V (meridional velocity in m/s -- optional) Input arguments and default values (taken from convect43.f fortran source): - MINORIG = 0, index of lowest level from which convection may originate (zero means lowest) - ELCRIT = 0.0011, autoconversion threshold water content (g/g) - TLCRIT = -55.0, critical temperature below which the auto-conversion threshold is assumed to be zero (the autoconversion threshold varies linearly between 0 C and TLCRIT) - ENTP = 1.5, coefficient of mixing in the entrainment formulation - SIGD = 0.05, fractional area covered by unsaturated downdraft - SIGS = 0.12, fraction of precipitation falling outside of cloud - OMTRAIN = 50.0, assumed fall speed (Pa/s) of rain - OMTSNOW = 5.5, assumed fall speed (Pa/s) of snow - COEFFR = 1.0, coefficient governing the rate of evaporation of rain - COEFFS = 0.8, coefficient governing the rate of evaporation of snow - CU = 0.7, coefficient governing convective momentum transport - BETA = 10.0, coefficient used in downdraft velocity scale calculation - DTMAX = 0.9, maximum negative temperature perturbation a lifted parcel is allowed to have below its LFC - ALPHA = 0.2, first parameter that controls the rate of approach to quasi-equilibrium - DAMP = 0.1, second parameter that controls the rate of approach to quasi-equilibrium (DAMP must be less than 1) - IPBL = 0, switch to bypass the dry convective adjustment (bypass if IPBL==0) Tendencies computed: - air temperature (K/s) - specific humidity (kg/kg/s) - optional: - U and V wind components (m/s/s), if U and V are included in state dictionary Diagnostics computed: - CBMF (cloud base mass flux in kg/m2/s) -- this is actually stored internally and used as input for subsequent timesteps - precipitation (convective precipitation rate in kg/m2/s or mm/s) - relative_humidity (dimensionless) :Example: Here is an example of setting up a single-column Radiative-Convective model with interactive water vapor. This example also demonstrates *asynchronous coupling*: the radiation uses a longer timestep than the other model components:: import numpy as np import climlab from climlab import constants as const # Temperatures in a single column full_state = climlab.column_state(num_lev=30, water_depth=2.5) temperature_state = {'Tatm':full_state.Tatm,'Ts':full_state.Ts} # Initialize a nearly dry column (small background stratospheric humidity) q = np.ones_like(full_state.Tatm) * 5.E-6 # Add specific_humidity to the state dictionary full_state['q'] = q # ASYNCHRONOUS COUPLING -- the radiation uses a much longer timestep # The top-level model model = climlab.TimeDependentProcess(state=full_state, timestep=const.seconds_per_hour) # Radiation coupled to water vapor rad = climlab.radiation.RRTMG(state=temperature_state, specific_humidity=full_state.q, albedo=0.3, timestep=const.seconds_per_day ) # Convection scheme -- water vapor is a state variable conv = climlab.convection.EmanuelConvection(state=full_state, timestep=const.seconds_per_hour) # Surface heat flux processes shf = climlab.surface.SensibleHeatFlux(state=temperature_state, Cd=0.5E-3, timestep=const.seconds_per_hour) lhf = climlab.surface.LatentHeatFlux(state=full_state, Cd=0.5E-3, timestep=const.seconds_per_hour) # Couple all the submodels together model.add_subprocess('Radiation', rad) model.add_subprocess('Convection', conv) model.add_subprocess('SHF', shf) model.add_subprocess('LHF', lhf) print(model) # Run the model model.integrate_years(1) # Check for energy balance print(model.ASR - model.OLR) ''' def __init__(self, MINORIG = 0, # index of lowest level from which convection may originate (zero means lowest) # Default parameter values taken from convect43c.f fortran source ELCRIT=.0011, TLCRIT=-55.0, ENTP=1.5, SIGD=0.05, SIGS=0.12, OMTRAIN=50.0, OMTSNOW=5.5, COEFFR=1.0, COEFFS=0.8, CU=0.7, BETA=10.0, DTMAX=0.9, ALPHA=0.2, DAMP=0.1, IPBL=0, **kwargs): super(EmanuelConvection, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.time_type = 'explicit' # Define inputs and diagnostics surface_shape = self.state['Tatm'][...,0].shape # Hack to handle single column and multicolumn if surface_shape == (): init = np.atleast_1d(np.zeros(surface_shape)) self.multidim=False else: init = np.zeros(surface_shape)[...,np.newaxis] self.multidim=True self.add_diagnostic('CBMF', init*0.) # cloud base mass flux self.add_diagnostic('precipitation', init*0.) # Precip rate (kg/m2/s) self.add_diagnostic('relative_humidity', 0*self.Tatm) self.add_input('MINORIG', MINORIG) self.add_input('ELCRIT', ELCRIT) self.add_input('TLCRIT', TLCRIT) self.add_input('ENTP', ENTP) self.add_input('SIGD', SIGD) self.add_input('SIGS', SIGS) self.add_input('OMTRAIN', OMTRAIN) self.add_input('OMTSNOW', OMTSNOW) self.add_input('COEFFR', COEFFR) self.add_input('COEFFS', COEFFS) self.add_input('CU', CU) self.add_input('BETA', BETA) self.add_input('DTMAX', DTMAX) self.add_input('ALPHA', ALPHA) self.add_input('DAMP', DAMP) self.add_input('IPBL', IPBL) def _compute(self): # Invert arrays so the first element is the bottom of column T = _climlab_to_convect(self.state['Tatm']) dom = self.state['Tatm'].domain P = _climlab_to_convect(dom.lev.points) PH = _climlab_to_convect(dom.lev.bounds) Q = _climlab_to_convect(self.state['q']) QS = qsat(T,P) ND = np.size(T, axis=1) NCOL = np.size(T, axis=0) NL = ND-1 try: U = _climlab_to_convect(self.state['U']) except: U = np.zeros_like(T) try: V = _climlab_to_convect(self.state['V']) except: V = np.zeros_like(T) NTRA = 1 TRA = np.zeros((NCOL,ND,NTRA), order='F') # tracers ignored DELT = float(self.timestep) CBMF = self.CBMF (IFLAG, FT, FQ, FU, FV, FTRA, PRECIP, WD, TPRIME, QPRIME, CBMFnew, Tout, Qout, QSout, Uout, Vout, TRAout) = \ convect(T, Q, QS, U, V, TRA, P, PH, NCOL, ND, NL, NTRA, DELT, self.IPBL, CBMF, CPD, CPV, CL, RV, RD, LV0, G, ROWL, self.MINORIG, self.ELCRIT, self.TLCRIT, self.ENTP, self.SIGD, self.SIGS, self.OMTRAIN, self.OMTSNOW, self.COEFFR, self.COEFFS, self.CU, self.BETA, self.DTMAX, self.ALPHA, self.DAMP ) # If dry adjustment is being used then the tendencies need to be adjusted if self.IPBL != 0: FT += (Tout - T) / DELT FQ += (Qout - Q) / DELT tendencies = {'Tatm': _convect_to_climlab(FT)*np.ones_like(self.state['Tatm']), 'q': _convect_to_climlab(FQ)*np.ones_like(self.state['q'])} if 'Ts' in self.state: # for some strange reason self.Ts is breaking tests under Python 3.5 in some configurations tendencies['Ts'] = 0. * self.state['Ts'] if 'U' in self.state: tendencies['U'] = _convect_to_climlab(FU) * np.ones_like(self.state['U']) if 'V' in self.state: tendencies['V'] = _convect_to_climlab(FV) * np.ones_like(self.state['V']) self.CBMF = CBMFnew # Need to convert from mm/day to mm/s or kg/m2/s # Hack to handle single column and multicolumn if self.multidim: self.precipitation[:,0] = _convect_to_climlab(PRECIP)/const.seconds_per_day else: self.precipitation[:] = _convect_to_climlab(PRECIP)/const.seconds_per_day self.IFLAG = IFLAG self.relative_humidity[:] = self.q / qsat(self.Tatm,self.lev) return tendencies