Source code for climlab.utils.thermo

A collection of function definitions to handle common
thermodynamic calculations for the atmosphere.

from __future__ import division
from numpy import exp, log
from .constants import (ps, kappa, tempCtoK, eps, Rd, Rv, cpv, cp, g, Lhvap,
                        sigma, hPlanck, c_light, kBoltzmann, molecular_weight)

[docs] def potential_temperature(T,p): """Compute potential temperature for an air parcel. Input: T is temperature in Kelvin p is pressure in mb or hPa Output: potential temperature in Kelvin. """ theta = T*(ps/p)**kappa return theta
[docs] def theta(T,p): '''Convenience method, identical to thermo.potential_temperature(T,p).''' return potential_temperature(T,p)
[docs] def temperature_from_potential(theta,p): """Convert potential temperature to in-situ temperature. Input: theta is potential temperature in Kelvin p is pressure in mb or hPa Output: absolute temperature in Kelvin. """ T = theta/((ps/p)**kappa) return T
[docs] def T(theta,p): '''Convenience method, identical to thermo.temperature_from_potential(theta,p).''' return temperature_from_potential(theta,p)
[docs] def clausius_clapeyron(T): """Compute saturation vapor pressure as function of temperature T. Input: T is temperature in Kelvin Output: saturation vapor pressure in mb or hPa Formula from Rogers and Yau "A Short Course in Cloud Physics" (Pergammon Press), p. 16 claimed to be accurate to within 0.1% between -30degC and 35 degC Based on the paper by Bolton (1980, Monthly Weather Review). """ Tcel = T - tempCtoK es = 6.112 * exp(17.67*Tcel/(Tcel+243.5)) return es
[docs] def qsat(T,p): """Compute saturation specific humidity as function of temperature and pressure. Input: T is temperature in Kelvin p is pressure in hPa or mb Output: saturation specific humidity (dimensionless). """ es = clausius_clapeyron(T) q = eps * es / (p - (1 - eps) * es ) return q
[docs] def virtual_temperature_from_mixing_ratio(T,w): '''Virtual temperature Tv T is air temperature (K) w is water vapor mixing ratio (dimensionless)''' return T * ((1+w/eps)/(1+w))
[docs] def vapor_pressure_from_specific_humidity(p,q): '''Vapor pressure (same units as input p) p is total air pressure q is specific humidity (dimensionless) -- mass of vapor per unit mass moist air''' return p * (q/(eps+q*(1-eps)))
[docs] def mixing_ratio_from_vapor_pressure(p,e): '''Water vapor mixing ratio p is air pressure e is vapor pressure p and e must be in same units (e.g. hPa) ''' return eps * e / (p-e)
[docs] def rho_moist(T,p,q): '''Density of moist air. T is air temperature (K) p is air pressure (hPa) q is specific humidity (hPa) returns density in kg/m3 ''' e = vapor_pressure_from_specific_humidity(p,q) w = mixing_ratio_from_vapor_pressure(p,e) Tv = virtual_temperature_from_mixing_ratio(T,w) return p*100./ Rd/Tv
[docs] def pseudoadiabat(T,p): """Compute the local slope of the pseudoadiabat at given temperature and pressure Inputs: p is pressure in hPa or mb T is local temperature in Kelvin Output: dT/dp, the rate of temperature change for pseudoadiabatic ascent in units of K / hPa The pseudoadiabat describes changes in temperature and pressure for an air parcel at saturation assuming instantaneous rain-out of the super-saturated water Formula consistent with eq. (2.33) from Raymond Pierrehumbert, "Principles of Planetary Climate" which nominally accounts for non-dilute effects, but computes the derivative dT/dpa, where pa is the partial pressure of the non-condensible gas. Integrating the result dT/dp treating p as total pressure effectively makes the dilute assumption. """ esoverp = clausius_clapeyron(T) / p Tcel = T - tempCtoK L = (2.501 - 0.00237 * Tcel) * 1.E6 # Accurate form of latent heat of vaporization in J/kg ratio = L / T / Rv dTdp = (T / p * kappa * (1 + esoverp * ratio) / (1 + kappa * (cpv / Rv + (ratio-1) * ratio) * esoverp)) return dTdp
[docs] def lifting_condensation_level(T, RH): '''Compute the Lifiting Condensation Level (LCL) for a given temperature and relative humidity Inputs: T is temperature in Kelvin RH is relative humidity (dimensionless) Output: LCL in meters This is height (relative to parcel height) at which the parcel would become saturated during adiabatic ascent. Based on approximate formula from Bolton (1980 MWR) as given by Romps (2017 JAS) For an exact formula see Romps (2017 JAS), doi:10.1175/JAS-D-17-0102.1 ''' Tadj = T-55. # in Kelvin return cp/g*(Tadj - (1/Tadj - log(RH)/2840.)**(-1))
[docs] def estimated_inversion_strength(T0,T700): '''Compute the Estimated Inversion Strength or EIS, following Wood and Bretherton (2006, J. Climate) Inputs: T0 is surface temp in Kelvin T700 is air temperature at 700 hPa in Kelvin Output: EIS in Kelvin EIS is a normalized measure of lower tropospheric stability acccounting for temperature-dependence of the moist adiabat. ''' # Interpolate to 850 hPa T850 = (T0+T700)/2.; # Assume 80% relative humidity to compute LCL, appropriate for marine boundary layer LCL = lifting_condensation_level(T0, 0.8) # Lower Tropospheric Stability (theta700 - theta0) LTS = potential_temperature(T700, 700) - T0 # Gammam = -dtheta/dz is the rate of potential temperature decrease along the moist adiabat # in K / m Gammam = (g/cp*(1.0 - (1.0 + Lhvap*qsat(T850,850) / Rd / T850) / (1.0 + Lhvap**2 * qsat(T850,850)/ cp/Rv/T850**2))) # Assume exponential decrease of pressure with scale height given by surface temperature z700 = (Rd*T0/g)*log(1000./700.) return LTS - Gammam*(z700 - LCL)
[docs] def EIS(T0,T700): '''Convenience method, identical to thermo.estimated_inversion_strength(T0,T700)''' return estimated_inversion_strength(T0,T700)
[docs] def blackbody_emission(T): '''Blackbody radiation following the Stefan-Boltzmann law.''' return sigma * T**4
[docs] def Planck_frequency(nu, T): '''The Planck function B(nu,T): the flux density for blackbody radiation in frequency space nu is frequency in 1/s T is temperature in Kelvin Formula (3.1) from Raymond Pierrehumbert, "Principles of Planetary Climate" ''' return 2*hPlanck*nu**3/c_light**2/(exp(hPlanck*nu/kBoltzmann/T)-1)
[docs] def Planck_wavenumber(n, T): '''The Planck function (flux density for blackbody radition) in wavenumber space n is wavenumber in 1/cm T is temperature in Kelvin Formula from Raymond Pierrehumbert, "Principles of Planetary Climate", page 140. ''' # convert to mks units n = n*100. return c_light * Planck_frequency(n*c_light, T)
[docs] def Planck_wavelength(l, T): '''The Planck function (flux density for blackbody radiation) in wavelength space l is wavelength in meters T is temperature in Kelvin Formula (3.3) from Raymond Pierrehumbert, "Principles of Planetary Climate" ''' u = hPlanck*c_light/l/kBoltzmann/T return 2*kBoltzmann**5*T**5/hPlanck**4/c_light**3*u**5/(exp(u)-1)
[docs] def vmr_to_mmr(vmr, gas): ''' Convert volume mixing ratio to mass mixing ratio for named gas. ( molecular weights are specific in ) ''' return vmr * molecular_weight[gas] / molecular_weight['dry air']
[docs] def mmr_to_vmr(mmr, gas): ''' Convert mass mixing ratio to volume mixing ratio for named gas. ( molecular weights are specific in ) ''' return mmr * molecular_weight['dry air'] / molecular_weight[gas]