'''Processes for surface turbulent heat and moisture fluxes
:class:`~climlab.surface.SensibleHeatFlux` and
:class:`~climlab.surface.LatentHeatFlux` implement standard bulk formulae
for the turbulent heat fluxes, assuming that the heating or moistening
occurs in the lowest atmospheric model level.
Here is an example of setting up a single-column
Radiative-Convective model with interactive water vapor
and surface latent and sensible heat fluxes.
This example also demonstrates *asynchronous coupling*:
the radiation uses a longer timestep than the other model components::
import numpy as np
import climlab
from climlab import constants as const
# Temperatures in a single column
full_state = climlab.column_state(num_lev=30, water_depth=2.5)
temperature_state = {'Tatm':full_state.Tatm,'Ts':full_state.Ts}
# Initialize a nearly dry column (small background stratospheric humidity)
q = np.ones_like(full_state.Tatm) * 5.E-6
# Add specific_humidity to the state dictionary
full_state['q'] = q
# ASYNCHRONOUS COUPLING -- the radiation uses a much longer timestep
# The top-level model
model = climlab.TimeDependentProcess(state=full_state,
# Radiation coupled to water vapor
rad = climlab.radiation.RRTMG(state=temperature_state,
# Convection scheme -- water vapor is a state variable
conv = climlab.convection.EmanuelConvection(state=full_state,
# Surface heat flux processes
shf = climlab.surface.SensibleHeatFlux(state=temperature_state, Cd=0.5E-3,
lhf = climlab.surface.LatentHeatFlux(state=full_state, Cd=0.5E-3,
# Couple all the submodels together
model.add_subprocess('Radiation', rad)
model.add_subprocess('Convection', conv)
model.add_subprocess('SHF', shf)
model.add_subprocess('LHF', lhf)
# Run the model
# Check for energy balance
print(model.ASR - model.OLR)
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from climlab.utils.thermo import qsat
from climlab import constants as const
from climlab.process.energy_budget import EnergyBudget
from climlab.domain.field import Field
class _SurfaceFlux(EnergyBudget):
'''Abstract parent class for SensibleHeatFlux and LatentHeatFlux'''
def __init__(self, Cd=3E-3, resistance=1., **kwargs):
super(_SurfaceFlux, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.Cd = Cd
self.add_input('resistance', resistance)
self.heating_rate['Tatm'] = np.zeros_like(self.Tatm)
# fixed wind speed (for now)
self.add_input('U', 5. * np.ones_like(self.Ts))
# retrieving surface pressure from model grid
self.ps = self.lev_bounds[-1]
def _compute_heating_rates(self):
'''Compute energy flux convergences to get heating rates in :math:`W/m^2`.'''
self.heating_rate['Ts'] = -self._flux
# Modify only the lowest model level
self.heating_rate['Tatm'][..., -1, np.newaxis] = self._flux
def _air_density(self, Ta):
return self.ps * const.mb_to_Pa / const.Rd / Ta
class SensibleHeatFlux(_SurfaceFlux):
r'''Surface turbulent sensible heat flux implemented through a bulk aerodynamic formula.
The flux is computed from
.. math::
SH = r ~ c_p ~\rho ~ C_D ~ U \left( T_s - T_a \right)
- :math:`c_p` and :math:`\rho` are the specific heat and density of air
- :math:`C_D` is a drag coefficient (stored as ``self.Cd``, default value is 3E-3)
- :math:`U` is the near-surface wind speed, stored as ``self.U``, default value is 5 m/s
- :math:`r` is an optional resistance parameter (stored as ``self.resistance``, default value = 1)
The surface temperature :math:`T_s` is taken directly from ``self.state['Ts']``,
while the near-surface air temperature :math:`T_a` is taken as the lowest model
level in ``self.state['Tatm']``
Diagnostic quantity ``self.SHF`` gives the sensible heat flux in W/m2.
Temperature tendencies associated with this flux are computed for
``Ts`` and for the lowest model level in ``Tatm``. All other tendencies
(including air temperature tendencies at other levels) are set to zero.
def __init__(self, Cd=3E-3, **kwargs):
super(SensibleHeatFlux, self).__init__(Cd=Cd, **kwargs)
self.add_diagnostic('SHF', 0.*self.Ts)
def _compute_flux(self):
# this ensure same dimensions as Ts
# (and use only the lowest model level)
Ta = Field(self.Tatm[..., -1, np.newaxis], domain=self.Ts.domain)
Ts = self.Ts
DeltaT = Ts - Ta
rho = self._air_density(Ta)
# flux from bulk formula
self._flux = self.resistance * const.cp * rho * self.Cd * self.U * DeltaT
self.SHF = self._flux
class LatentHeatFlux(_SurfaceFlux):
r'''Surface turbulent latent heat flux implemented through a bulk aerodynamic formula.
The flux is computed from
.. math::
LH = r ~ L ~\rho ~ C_D ~ U \left( q_s - q_a \right)
- :math:`L` and :math:`\rho` are the latent heat of vaporization and density of air
- :math:`C_D` is a drag coefficient (stored as ``self.Cd``, default value is 3E-3)
- :math:`U` is the near-surface wind speed, stored as ``self.U``, default value is 5 m/s
- :math:`r` is an optional resistance parameter (stored as ``self.resistance``, default value = 1)
The surface specific humidity :math:`q_s` is computed as the saturation specific
humidity at the surface temperature ``self.state['Ts']`` and surface pressure
``self.ps``, while the near-surface specific humidity :math:`q_a` is taken as the lowest model
level in the field ``self.q`` (which must be provided either as a state variable or as input).
Two diagnostics are computed:
- ``self.LHF`` gives the sensible heat flux in W/m2.
- ``self.evaporation`` gives the evaporation rate in kg/m2/s (or mm/s)
How the tendencies are computed depends on whether specific humidity ``q``
is a state variable (i.e. is present in ``self.state``):
- If ``q`` is in ``self.state`` then the evaporation determines the specific humidity tendency ``self.tendencies['q']``. The water vapor is added to the lowest model level only. Evaporation cools the surface through the surface tendency ``self.tendencies['Ts']``. Air temperature tendencies are zero everywhere.
- If ``q`` is not in ``self.state`` then we compute an equivalent air temperature tendency for the lowest model layer instead of a specific humidity tendency (i.e. the latent heat flux is applied in the same way as a sensible heat flux).
This process does not apply a tendency to the surface water amount.
In the absence of other water processes this implies an infinite water source at the surface (slab ocean).
def __init__(self, Cd=3E-3, **kwargs):
super(LatentHeatFlux, self).__init__(Cd=Cd, **kwargs)
self.add_diagnostic('LHF', 0.*self.Ts)
self.add_diagnostic('evaporation', 0.*self.Ts) # in kg/m2/s or mm/s
def _compute_flux(self):
# specific humidity at lowest model level
# assumes pressure is the last axis
q = Field(self.q[..., -1, np.newaxis], domain=self.Ts.domain)
Ta = Field(self.Tatm[..., -1, np.newaxis], domain=self.Ts.domain)
qs = qsat(self.Ts, self.ps)
Deltaq = Field(qs - q, domain=self.Ts.domain)
rho = self._air_density(Ta)
# flux from bulk formula
self._flux = self.resistance * const.Lhvap * rho * self.Cd * self.U * Deltaq
self.LHF[:] = self._flux
# evporation rate, convert from W/m2 to kg/m2/s (or mm/s)
self.evaporation[:] = self.LHF/const.Lhvap
def _compute(self):
'''Overides the _compute method of EnergyBudget'''
tendencies = self._temperature_tendencies()
if 'q' in self.state:
# in a model with active water vapor, this flux should affect
# water vapor tendency, NOT air temperature tendency!
tendencies['Tatm'] *= 0.
Pa_per_hPa = 100.
air_mass_per_area = self.Tatm.domain.lev.delta[...,-1] * Pa_per_hPa / const.g
specific_humidity_tendency = 0.*self.q
specific_humidity_tendency[...,-1,np.newaxis] = self.LHF/const.Lhvap / air_mass_per_area
tendencies['q'] = specific_humidity_tendency
return tendencies