Source code for climlab.radiation.boltzmann
from __future__ import division
from climlab import constants as const
from climlab.process.energy_budget import EnergyBudget
class Boltzmann(EnergyBudget):
r"""A class for black body radiation.
Implements a radiation subprocess which computes longwave radiation
with the Stefan-Boltzmann law for black/grey body radiation.
According to the Stefan Boltzmann law the total power radiated from an
object with surface area :math:`A` and temperature :math:`T` (in unit Kelvin)
can be written as
.. math::
P = A \varepsilon \sigma T^4
where :math:`\varepsilon` is the emissivity of the body.
As the :class:`~climlab.process.energy_budget.EnergyBudget` of the
Energy Balance Model is accounted in unit :math:`\textrm{energy} / \textrm{area}`
(:math:`\textrm{W}/ \textrm{m}^2`)
the energy budget equation looks like this:
.. math::
C \frac{dT}{dt} = R\downarrow - R\uparrow - H \n
The :class:`Boltzmann` radiation subprocess represents the outgoing radiation
:math:`R\uparrow` which then can be written as
.. math::
R\uparrow = \varepsilon \sigma T^4
with state variable :math:`T`.
**Initialization parameters** \n
An instance of ``Boltzmann`` is initialized with the following
:param float eps: emissivity of the planet's surface which is the
effectiveness in emitting energy as thermal radiation
[default: 0.65]
:param float tau: transmissivity of the planet's atmosphere which is the
effectiveness in transmitting the longwave radiation
emitted from the surface [default: 0.95]
**Object attributes** \n
During initialization both arguments described above are created as object
attributes which calls their setter function (see below).
:ivar float eps: calls the setter function of :func:`eps`
:ivar float tau: calls the setter function of :func:`tau`
:ivar dict diagnostics: the subprocess's diagnostic dictionary
``self.diagnostic`` is initialized
through calling
``self.add_diagnostic('OLR', 0. * self.Ts)``
:ivar Field OLR: the subprocess attribute ``self.OLR`` is
created with correct dimensions
Replacing an the regular AplusBT subprocess in an energy balance model::
>>> import climlab
>>> from climlab.radiation.Boltzmann import Boltzmann
>>> # creating EBM model
>>> model = climlab.EBM()
>>> print model
.. code-block:: none
:emphasize-lines: 7
climlab Process of type <class 'climlab.model.ebm.EBM'>.
State variables and domain shapes:
Ts: (90, 1)
The subprocess tree:
top: <class 'climlab.model.ebm.EBM'>
diffusion: <class 'climlab.dynamics.diffusion.MeridionalDiffusion'>
LW: <class 'climlab.radiation.AplusBT.AplusBT'>
albedo: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.StepFunctionAlbedo'>
iceline: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.Iceline'>
cold_albedo: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.ConstantAlbedo'>
warm_albedo: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.P2Albedo'>
insolation: <class 'climlab.radiation.insolation.P2Insolation'>
>>> # creating and adding albedo feedback subprocess
>>> LW_boltz = Boltzmann(eps=0.69, tau=0.98, state=model.state, **model.param)
>>> # overwriting old 'LW' subprocess with same name
>>> model.add_subprocess('LW', LW_boltz)
>>> print model
.. code-block:: none
:emphasize-lines: 7
climlab Process of type <class 'climlab.model.ebm.EBM'>.
State variables and domain shapes:
Ts: (90, 1)
The subprocess tree:
top: <class 'climlab.model.ebm.EBM'>
diffusion: <class 'climlab.dynamics.diffusion.MeridionalDiffusion'>
LW: <class 'climlab.radiation.Boltzmann.Boltzmann'>
albedo: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.StepFunctionAlbedo'>
iceline: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.Iceline'>
cold_albedo: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.ConstantAlbedo'>
warm_albedo: <class 'climlab.surface.albedo.P2Albedo'>
insolation: <class 'climlab.radiation.insolation.P2Insolation'>
# implemented by m-kreuzer
def __init__(self, eps= 0.65, tau=0.95, **kwargs):
super(Boltzmann, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.eps = eps
self.tau = tau
self.add_diagnostic('OLR', 0. * self.Ts)
def eps(self):
"""Property of emissivity parameter.
:getter: Returns the albedo value which is stored in attribute
:setter: * sets the emissivity which is addressed as ``self._eps``
to the new value
* updates the parameter dictionary ``self.param['eps']``
:type: float
return self._eps
def eps(self, value):
self._eps = value
self.param['eps'] = value
def tau(self):
"""Property of the transmissivity parameter.
:getter: Returns the albedo value which is stored in attribute
:setter: * sets the emissivity which is addressed as ``self._tau``
to the new value
* updates the parameter dictionary ``self.param['tau']``
:type: float
return self._tau
def tau(self, value):
self._tau = value
self.param['tau'] = value
# def emission(self):
# """Calculates the Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) of the Boltzmann
# radiation subprocess.
# **Object attributes** \n
# During method execution following object attribute is modified:
# :ivar float OLR: the described formula is calculated and the
# result stored in the project attribute ``self.OLR``
# :ivar dict diagnostics: the same result is written in ``diagnostics``
# dictionary with the key ``'OLR'``
# .. warning::
# This currently works only for a single state variable!
# """
# for varname, value in self.state.iteritems():
# flux = self.eps * self.tau * const.sigma * (value + const.tempCtoK)**4.
# self.OLR = flux
# self.diagnostics['OLR'] = self.OLR
def _compute_emission(self):
for varname, value in self.state.items():
flux = self.eps * self.tau * const.sigma * (value + const.tempCtoK)**4.
self.OLR[:] = flux
def _compute_heating_rates(self):
"""Computes energy flux convergences to get heating rates in :math:`W/m^2`.
for varname, value in self.state.items():
self.heating_rate[varname] = -self.OLR